The enemy is relentless. He prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). But here’s the truth that sends demons running: They may prowl, they may plot, but they have no legal right to stay where they are not welcomed. Jesus gave us the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19). That means we don’t have to tolerate demonic oppression, torment, or interference in our lives.
It’s time to rise up in the power of the Holy Ghost and start praying demon-chasing prayers—prayers that shake the enemy’s camp, dismantle demonic assignments, and enforce the victory Christ already won for us.
What Are Demon-Chasing Prayers?
Demon-chasing prayers are strategic, Holy Spirit-led, Scripture-backed decrees and intercessions that drive demonic forces out of your life, family, city, and nation. These prayers:
- Expose hidden enemy operations (Ephesians 5:11)
- Cancel demonic assignments and curses (Numbers 23:23)
- Close open doors to demonic infiltration (Ephesians 4:27)
- Release angelic assistance to war on your behalf (Psalm 91:11)
- Enforce divine protection and victory (Isaiah 54:17)
This isn’t about shouting at the devil without power or authority. This is about praying with precision, boldness, and faith in the name of Jesus.
The Power of Prophetic and Warfare Prayers
Demon-chasing prayers are prophetic and militant. They discern what spirits are in operation, expose their tactics, and declare God’s Word as a battering ram against them. Some spirits won’t back down until they are forcefully evicted through persistent warfare prayer (Matthew 17:21).
Consider these strategic demon-chasing prayer points:
- “Every hidden demonic agenda working against me, be exposed and dismantled in Jesus’ name!”
- “I release the fire of God against every monitoring spirit watching my life!”
- “I take authority over every spirit of witchcraft, Jezebel, and sabotage trying to hinder my destiny!”
- “Every stronghold of fear, intimidation, and delay, be broken now by the power of the blood of Jesus!”
- “Angels of the living God, arise and war on my behalf! Let the enemy’s camp be thrown into confusion!”
The key to effective warfare prayer is alignment with the Word of God and obedience to His leading. When we chase demons out through prayer, we must also be diligent to close the doors that allowed them access in the first place.
Closing the Open Doors
The enemy only has the ground we give him. If we want to successfully drive him out, we must make sure we aren’t leaving legal access points open. This means:
- Renouncing and breaking agreement with sin (2 Corinthians 6:14-17)
- Severing ungodly soul ties (1 Corinthians 6:16)
- Cleansing your home from cursed objects (Deuteronomy 7:26)
- Walking in holiness and obedience to God (James 4:7)
Many times, people pray demon-chasing prayers but still experience cycles of oppression. Why? Because while they’re casting demons out with one hand, they’re opening the door to them with the other. Deliverance is not a one-time prayer—it’s a lifestyle of spiritual discipline, discernment, and devotion to Jesus.
The Role of Fasting in Demon-Chasing Prayers
Jesus told His disciples that certain kinds of demons only come out through prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21). When you combine fasting with intercession, you weaken the enemy’s stronghold over your situation and increase your sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.
If you’re dealing with stubborn demonic oppression, consider a strategic fast while praying:
- Fast from entertainment and distractions that drain your spiritual strength.
- Fast from food for a period of time, seeking clarity and breakthrough.
- Fast from negativity and toxic environments that empower the enemy.
Your sacrifice in fasting sends a strong message in the spirit realm: I will not be denied my breakthrough!
The Final Word: Chase Demons, But Seek Jesus First
We are called to cast out demons, not chase them for sport (Mark 16:17). Spiritual warfare is real, but our greatest pursuit is Jesus, not demons. Some people become so demon-focused that they neglect their intimacy with God, their joy, and their peace.
Yes, we must fight. Yes, we must chase out darkness. But never forget—our ultimate victory comes from abiding in Christ, staying in the Word, and being filled with the Holy Spirit.
Are you ready to wield your authority and pray demon-chasing prayers? The enemy has already been defeated—now it’s time for you to enforce that victory!
Let’s pray:
Father, in the name of Jesus, I take authority over every demonic force operating against my life, my family, and my destiny. Every assignment of hell is canceled! Every hidden agenda of the enemy is exposed! I release the fire of God against monitoring spirits, witchcraft attacks, and demonic oppression. I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I am covered by the blood of Jesus, surrounded by the armies of heaven, and walking in total victory! In Jesus’ name, AMEN!
Now go forth in boldness—pray with power, stand in faith, and watch the enemy flee!
Pray with me: