Dreaming of Honeycomb for the Bride

Dreaming of Honeycomb for the Bride

I often have dreams the Lord speaks to me through, but this dream I particularly found profound for The Church and body.

In the dream

I begin to feel my molar teeth infront of my wisdom teeth crumble away.

Then there was a large group of people wandering, the group of people had been dislodged.
This group of people were heading towards a large dome like structure.
The dome structure was made of honeycomb while it was clearly honeycomb it felt as though the shapes were eight sided.
This was just a framework for this structure and it was not yet finished.

I believe that our old understanding is begging to crumble away, the understanding of “church”  has to make way for the Kingdoms wisdom. This is a maturing process that may be painful. But The Lord has had this wisdom there all along. (Wisdom teeth)

As this begins to happen it will affect a large group in the Body, they will become dislodged from there old ways and old structures of ministery and church.

The honey comb is a symbol of promise, just as the land of milk and honey (EXD 33:3)
It is eight sided this is new beginnings for the church but it is also honeycomb, so it remains strong and in-fact a honeycomb pattern gains strength when put under pressure.
The structure has only  frame work being put in place, this is where God will being to establish his honey or promise.

A great number will have a longing for ministery of the Kingdom, where God can pour his promise into and it will lasting even under great pressure. Many will be dislodged looking for it. But our old understanding must fade way, to allow God to bring in His Wisdom and kingdom structure.

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