Prophetic Insight From Graham Cooke: ‘Permission Granted’

Prophetic Insight From Graham Cooke: ‘Permission Granted’

Permission means different things to different people.  To some, they find it easy to accept the Lord’s hand of grace, and so acknowledge His permission without much trouble.  To others, the idea of having permission raises a lot of questions. You feel like it’s too broad and you need something more specific. Permission to do what?   

Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart. 

Psalms 37: 4 

If the Lord wants to give you the desires of your heart, then what do you think He is giving you permission for this year?  Get your journal out and start writing. 

Still feeling stuck?  Ask yourself what experiences or changes in your life would make you more like the Lord? Perhaps it could start with permission to take an opportunity at work. Permission to be braver in my life..  Permission to go on an adventure..  Permission to be kinder to yourself, or permission to forgive someone.   

Remember, we need the perspective of the Holy Spirit to see where the hand of God is moving and you always have permission to move into something that will remake you in God’s image.  He gives the fullest measure of His permission for that. 

There is a grace in God’s heart for you so huge, that it gives you permission to be the man or the woman that God always intended you to be.   

I personally love the idea that permission can start right here in your heart, with God giving you permission to be the person He made you to be.  Only you and He know who that truly is and it is your delight and trust to live out of that authentic space. 

“In Christ, real freedom is the permission to be relentlessly loved regardless of your performance as a Christian.” 


When you press into devotional time with the Lord this week, take some time to meditate on Scripture and write in your journal.  Let the Lord speak to your heart and ask yourself these questions about permission and what it means to you as you look to what is ahead this year.   When you enter a time of soaking into God’s presence, of being in that place of stillness, we get to enter into a realm where we see, experience and embrace the reality of God in a way that sets us free and changes us to be like Him.  

Being more like Him and learning to be loved by Him is the journey we are all on. We are learning how to live in the fullness of His favor, and with His permission granted. 

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