“Now to Him who is able to do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to the power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20).
What is the power working on the inside of you that allows God to do far beyond that which you could dare ask, think, or imagine? This power is resident within every believer. It is the spirit of faith.
What is the spirit of faith? It is believing with your heart and then speaking with your mouth the things, which you believe. This is the same spirit that Joshua and Caleb exercised that allowed them to enter the Canaan land, while those who refused to believe God’s word died in the wilderness and never fulfilled their calling or purpose. The inheritance that God has assigned to each individual believer is very sacred and precious. It is no less plenteous and abundant than what the Israelites were told was theirs to possess.
When they reached the Valley of Eshkol, they cut off a branch bearing a single cluster of grapes. Two of them carried it on a pole between them. Numbers 13:23
Here we see that the Promised Land was so fruitful that it took two men to carry a single cluster of grapes. I have no doubt that the flavor and overall quality of the grapes matched the extraordinary size as well. Just like a fingerprint or a snowflake, no two inheritances are exactly identical, although they may be similar to others. To possess your special inheritance, you must have the right spirit. A spirit of doubt and unbelief will keep you on the wrong side of the Jordan River, which can be very frustrating because from the wilderness side you can see the promised land, but you can’t possess what you aren’t convinced that God has truly given to you.
With the exception of a few people, most of the Israelites who came out of Egypt perished in the wilderness. In many ways, the Christian journey parallels the Israelite journey from their exodus out of Egypt, through the Sinai wilderness, and eventually reaching the edge of the Jordan River with the Promised Land in plain sight.
There are certain Christians, although they are saved and love Jesus, who because of a spirit of unbelief will never enter their promised land. This is because of negative attitudes concerning the goodness of God, skepticism about God’s willingness to bless, a half-hearted commitment to obey the commandments of God, and sometimes a willingness to be complacent and accept a standard far below what God intended for them.
A Joshua Anointing
We, however, are in the midst of a Joshua anointing that is crossing over the Jordan and taking the land (the harvest of souls, and the blessings) that God has allocated to us. To possess your Canaan land, you must have a spirit of faith, because there is warfare involved in possessing the promises of God.
Once the Israelites crossed the Jordan River under the leadership of Joshua, they were set to engage the enemy in battle. It was at this critical juncture that the Lord appeared to Joshua as Captain of the Lord of Hosts. May the Lord grant you a revelation to see Him as the Warrior King. Spiritual battles are not for the faint of heart, but for those who identify with Joshua and Caleb who manifested a spirit of faith.
But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it. Numbers 14:24
The spirit of faith is quickened when the word of the Lord is spoken. When God speaks, it brings great strength into the heart of the believer. Faith is of the heart. Faith is not intellectual or soulish; in other words, it is not in your brain or some type of emotional feeling. Faith resides in your heart, which is sometimes referred to as the “inward man” or the “spirit of man”. The language of faith does not make sense to a non-spiritual person. That is because faith calls things done before they are actually accomplished. We see this demonstrated in the following verse:
And the Lord said to Joshua: “See! I have given Jericho into your hand, its king, and the mighty men of valor.” Joshua 6:2
When the Lord spoke this to Joshua, the city of Jericho was still firmly defended. But it was a statement of faith and because Joshua believed the word and acted upon it, the city was soon captured. God is a faith God, and it is impossible to please Him without believing what He says. May the same spirit of faith that is revealed is God’s biblical leaders be found richly in you. As you step forward in the spirit of faith you will see God do infinitely more than you could ask, think, or imagine.
Feb 24 2025