Accurately Discerning God’s Timing

Accurately Discerning God’s Timing

When I choose the proper time, I will judge uprightly. Ps 75:2 NKJV

It is time for You to act, O LORD, For they have regarded Your law as void. Ps 119:126 NKJV

…until the Ancient of Days came, and a judgment was made in favor of the saints of the Most High, and the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom. Dan 7:22 NKJV

Everything that God does is in season and timings. He has a time that is His time for what He will release upon the earth. When we are called to move or to act, we cannot be too slow because we will miss the perfect timing of God nor can we be too fast because we will be out of sync with God and His time.

Sometimes it is hard to know what God’s timing is. It is not always easy to discern what is going on and understand the timing of God. We may often question ourselves and what we see and or hear. We hesitate, take extra time to pray, making sure we are acting in sync with God. Know that in His wisdom God allows for us to take extra time to make sure we are moving is His perfect timing.

The problem comes when we fail to act or act too quickly. Sometimes others will act doing what they think is of God and in His timing, but they are not the one called of this timing. They look at the situation, the have heard from someone what God is doing, the grab it and run off often ruining the perfect place of God because they were not the person, they were in the wrong place and it was the wrong time.

Being able to discern the timing of God is important because whole nations could be saved or lost because of timing. It may be one soul lost or millions and God does not want to lose even one. Discerning the timing of God means being sensitive to the things of the spirit. It means not getting caught up in what you see in the natural, either good or bad. It means staying in a position where you can both hear and see then discern what is seen and heard.

Discerning the timings and seasons of God means being able to see into the spirit realm. Repositioning yourself to see as God sees. Our vision in the natural is very narrow, limited; and our perception is very short sighted. It is our natural eye and the brain can only process what it sees, nothing else. The spiritual eye however is limitless. The spiritual eye allows us to see as God sees, beyond the natural, beyond the limits of perception, beyond what appears to be real into the supernatural, the spirit realm.

It is so easy for us to be fooled by what we see. We determine what is good or bad based upon how we feel, our past experiences, what we hear or read. We often make quick judgements, expressing what we feel we know is true, sure that what we saw is real and what God is doing now. We often don’t take into account of role the enemy plays in what we see. The forget that he has the ability to manipulate, suggest, cajole, and influence the natural and those operating in the natural.

This means we are to be spiritually “fine tuned” to hear, to see and to discern. We must be able to discern what we see and hear. If we are not able to discern, we will miss the timing of God. If we are not able to discern we will move either too fast or too slow. If we are not able to discern we will find ourselves out of God’s will and purpose for our lives.

So God teaches us in baby steps to discern his timing. It may be small things, things that may seem insignificant but the importance to God immense. As we perfect in one area, we will move on to another, then another. It is a process which God takes us through to prepare us for the assignment that fulfills our purpose and destiny upon the earth.

It will not be a case where we have to move in heavy discernment that one is not prepared for. When you are there you will know it. You will quickly discern what you see and what you hear. The gifts of wisdom and knowledge will activate and you will know what to do, how to do it and when to do it. There will be no question in your mind, you will be sure. You will know that you know that you know that it is God’s timing for your life.

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