Prophetic Word: Spirit of Babylon Infiltrating the Church

Prophetic Word: Spirit of Babylon Infiltrating the Church

Recently, I came under attack from a spirit that I hadn’t battled at a high level before. I was extremely ill, completely exhausted to the point that I could not stay awake, and felt like giving up.

I knew it was a spiritual battle and I had all my weapons drawn but I was still under a heavy oppression. Finally, I got up and walked half a mile and sat in the sun and fresh air and prayed. I asked the Holy Spirit to show me what was going on… what did I bump up against without knowing it? What was attacking me and why?

See, when you set out to do spiritual warfare you can’t make assumptions. Sometimes we have a knee-jerk reaction and start binding and loosing in our normal flow. And sometimes that works. But sometimes making assumptions can leave you oppressed as you battle the wrong enemy and the real culprit keeps attacking.

In my role in the media I send up bumping into a lot of things in the culture and in the church. Spiritual warfare is a daily reality, but sometimes I encounter things that are entirely new. So I asked the Holy Spirit what was going on an He was faithful to reveal it. This is what I heard Him say:

“Some are relying on Mammon to forward my kingdom. There's compromise in the culture wars. Ultimately the reliance on mammon will turn into a bondage to Mammon and decisions will be made not based on my spirit but based on the ability to accrue and spend Mammon for a righteous cause. But using unrighteous tactics to raise money for righteous causes does not equate to righteousness.

“This is an inkling of the rising Babylonian system in the earth. Even those who start off with good intentions can become influenced by a Babylonian system that demands to be fed. Fear of man drives decisions, fundraising drive decisions, but My truth should drive every decision. Righteous causes can quickly be undermined and perverted by the spirit of this world when compromise infiltrates and uproots the very truth on which the cause stands.

“Fighting for My honor requires an honorable approach. Fighting and biting and striving and devouring one another will not see my purposes come to pass. This group in the cultural war takes one stand and another group takes another stand and you become opposed to one another even as you both say you're standing for My righteousness.

“The world will know that you are Mine by the love you show one another not by the accusations you launch against one another. The competition for Mammon will rise in the days ahead but the competition between my people should not. I seek a spirit of unity among you not a spirit of competition and certainly not a spirit of hate. But when one Christian group rises against another Christian group over the approaches or the words or the money it does not bring glory to my name. It dishonors My causes.”

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