When I was in Saskatoon, Canada with Apostle Barbara Yoder and Apostle Ryan LeStrange this past weekend, I heard the Lord say “glory revolution.”
As I pressed in to hear more from the Lord, I heard these words from the Spirit:
“I am bringing a glory revolution to Canada that will sweep through all its provinces. In past generations and in past seasons, I have moved through your cities to bring healing and revival winds that impacted the nations. I will once again rise up in your midst to magnify you among the nations as you stand on My promises. Look to your roots. Look to your history. There is a rich heritage in your land. Tap into the root of revival and decree the awakening that is here and coming.
“The enemy has left many churches for dead, but I am resurrecting them with a new wineskin for a new season with a new measure of anointing that will see those captive to religion break free and see Me for who I really am. When the remnant rises—when the blinders are removed—My glory revolution will begin to spill over in unusual ways and unusual places. Churches that have not embraced moves of My Spirit in the past will accept Me with open arms and walls will break down.
“I am inviting you to be part of a glory revolution. What say you?”
We saw a shift in Saskatoon after a weekend of ministry in which the glory manifested in several levels. Indeed, the first fruits of a glory revolution emerged in this gathering, which included many First Nations people and hungry believers who understand the power of honor.
I’m standing with Canada and believing for a glory revolution that spills over into the nations of the earth.