Will Prophets Displace Psychics on Mainstream Media Channels?

Will Prophets Displace Psychics on Mainstream Media Channels?

“While we have come a long way in both the raising up of many people who prophesy, it is still difficult today to find what can be called the prophets to the nation.”

So says Cindy Jacobs, and I agree with her.

Many people ask me who are the prophetic voices in nations where I travel and few can seem to name them. It seems prophets often are without honor in their own cities and nations. I am sure there are prophetic voices in every nation, but they are being overlooked.

Some of those prophets have the opportunity to trumpet their voice to the nations at the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders this November. Dr. Peter Wagner launched this group in 1999 and handed it off to Cindy some years ago.

The ACPE was largely Americanized until now. At last year’s council, James Goll prophesied about an international gathering of prophets and we’ll see that convene this November in Dallas. It’s called the Global Prophetic Summit.

“This is the first of its kind. It will be a watershed moment for the prophetic movement worldwide,” Cindy says. “This hinge-of-history moment will open the door for prophetic revelation on a level that has not been known in a collective way.”

As one who has trumpeted purity and progress in the prophetic movement, I see this as more than strategic. I see this as pivotal for the advancement of kingdom-minded prophets who are more interested in the voice of the Lord going forth to shift nations than a personal platform. I see this as an opportunity for tactical networking among prophetic people who may otherwise never meet. I see this as a prime time for warfare intercession over the destiny of nations.


As I prepare to enter the ACPE for the first time and share the words the Lord gave me for 2018, I expect a shift in my own spirit as I am exposed to prophetic expressions from ministers in nations around the world who are contending for a similar cause. And as prophetic voices see individual shifts, the prophetic movement at large can continue shifting into deeper revelations that defy the psychic predictors and futurists often spotlighted in the evening news.

There is coming a day when prophets sit behind the news desks as CNN, Fox and MSNBC to share what the Lord is saying, displacing psychics who have held positions on these media mountains. There is coming a showdown between the true and the false in various mountains of influence. It all starts with the true prophetic voices gathering in unity to build an international platform for the truth. Amen.

For details, please go to globalpropheticsummit.com.

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