We’re Already in the Great Awakening! It’s Time to Rise Up and Reap!

We’re Already in the Great Awakening! It’s Time to Rise Up and Reap!

Every time I put pen to paper I realize the great responsibility of words that could be carried across continents and through many generations. I realize that once it’s written, it’s printed somewhere and it is important that what goes out could have impact on a person’s life and could portray something very different about Jesus than what should be portrayed. I am very aware that when I release a prophetic word, I must make sure I am speaking what my Father is speaking and not what I simply want to speak (John 12:49). I can’t just throw things out and hope they mean something. The Word of the Lord is too important.

Recognizing Jesus

I believe we are not simply on the precipice of the Greatest Awakening—the Awakening that doesn’t end—but we are in it. It has already begun.

A few months ago, while in Poland, I heard the shortest message I have ever heard, and truly one of the most profound. The message was about when Simeon saw Jesus. (Simeon had been told that he wouldn’t die until he saw the Messiah, Luke 2:25-32.) The message I heard was simply these eighteen words: “When Simeon saw Jesus he was ready to leave this world. Are you ready to leave this world?” I meditated on that for a long time. I think most people there missed the message, but the point was that there is the one thing we know that Simeon accomplished in his entire life: he recognized Jesus.

If Jesus, who pleased the Father more than any, lived on the premise of this prophetic lifestyle—the lifestyle of faith—can we live that way? Jesus constantly spoke of things that had not occurred yet. He spoke of a future for us with mansions. He spoke of days coming that would be difficult. He spoke of the power of God flowing through us in ways that exceeded His own reality on the earth. If Jesus, “who for the joy that was set before Him,” could endure and believe, can we? When God says, “I’m doing this thing,” do we believe and live that out in faith? Or do we doubt and say, “I hope it happens, because that would be good”?

Believe Until You See

Faith is the determination to believe and know that everything that has been promised—everything that our hearts are yearning for—will happen, even when we still can’t see it happening in the natural world. It is this trust that brings the accolades and the pleasure, not from men, but from God. In fact without this radical belief, it’s an impossibility for God to receive honor and be blessed and excited about what is happening in a person’s heart and life, because the first step in getting to know God is to simply to believe in Him even though you can’t see Him. You have to determine to trust that He is, and you must also trust that He will come through for you simply because you are searching Him out (see Hebrews 11:1-2, 6 and 13).

Sometimes in the waiting for the fulfillment we must pause with the “God-sized” pauses. With faith, we must believe until we see. It’s like the story of Lazarus. In the mind of Jesus, Lazarus was only sleeping, because He saw Lazarus at the end and not the beginning!

Bring Them into Confidence!

Recently one morning, I woke up and I heard the words, “Bring them into confidence, Danny!”

“What does that mean, Lord?” I asked. This is what He revealed to me: Faith is the confidence of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen (see Hebrews 11:1).

Danny Steyne has been a church planter, pastor, teacher, author, and worship leader for over thirty years. His heart is to release ministry that is full of the power of God and demonstrated through the authentic miraculous works of Jesus. Danny and his wife Karen lead the apostolic team of Mountain Of Worship (MOW aka The Mountain). The expression of Mountain Of Worship transpires regionally through various gatherings that draw the Body of Christ together in regions, nationally through MOWTeams and MOWConferences, and internationally through Ministry Trips and International Conferences.

Confidence is never gained by visual or natural perception, it is found internally, in a God who cannot lie, and a God who makes a promise that we can fully trust to fulfill. We must simply walk with Him through the seemingly apparent “God-sized pauses” knowing nothing has paused; everything He has promised is taking place right now. (Photo via Unsplash)

Awakening “the Giant”

In 1982 I had a dream in which a giant, asleep in a little country church, was awakened by the hand of God on his shoulder. He stood up and his immense size decimated the structure into splinters, simply by him getting to his feet. Then I heard, “I’m going to wake up My Church and there is no structure, organization, denomination or movement that will be able to contain what I am about to do.” Subsequent visions and dreams would show me the reality that many in church buildings don’t even know God. Other events and encounters with the Lord would make it clear we must call the Church back to its intended purpose.

In several conversations with Bob Jones we discussed “The Giant.” He had a similar vision, too. We both knew that the head of the giant was in New England and the face of the giant was in Boston, and that Boston would be the start of the revolution of the Spirit as it had been the start of the revolution in this nation.

The Angel Called “Revolution” is in Place

A few years ago, I was with my friend and colleague, Myles Milham, at a conference he was holding in Boston. As I stood on the front row an angel crowded next to me and kept moving closer and closer, bumping me and using a wing to rub up and down my arm. At first I just moved, but then he moved closer and I said, “What do you want?” He replied, “My name is Revolution. I’m in place.” The Lord is sending the Host of Heaven to complete what He has ALREADY initiated.

Nantucket: The First Domino to Fall!

The Lord spoke to me in 2006 that “Nantucket would be the first domino to fall!” Nantucket is a small island off the coast of Boston, a place where those who sailed ships into Boston Harbor would remove ballast that kept the boats heavy in the sea for long voyages. Ballast prevented them from going into the Boston Harbor, and they needed to rise in the water for that last part of the journey. That ballast, made of cobblestone, now paves Nantucket streets. God is getting ready to unload weight to bring the ships into this nation! (When my parents immigrated from South Africa in the 1950s, it was on a ship, into Boston Harbor. I believe this isn’t an accident or a coincidence.)

In February 2007, we (my wife and I) did a conference called “Domino” in Nantucket. It was during that conference that the Lord met us with a word that the prototype ministry we had been called to was simply an early rendering of what was to come. After some dreams, and several prophetic voices indicating to me that the time for us to transition to New England was immediate, we gave, packed, and sold our house and moved within two months, arriving in October 2012 for the Greatest Awakening. The Lord spoke specifically to me at that time and said, “And now to what I have called you!”

Through all these years, 37 at the moment, I have always known “the Giant” is awakening! It is. If my focus had been on what wasn’t happening, I would have quit many years ago, but “I know Him whom I have believed and I am confident that He is able to keep that which I’ve entrusted to Him” (2 Timothy 1:12 paraphrased).

Do Not Despise Prophetic Utterances

If the “Spirit of prophecy” is what demonstrates the “testimony of Jesus” then we must receive that which God is speaking to us and believe it, walk in it, and live in the reality of that promise regardless of external evidence at the moment. That is not foolishness, it’s basic Christianity. We are told to not despise prophetic utterances (1 Thessalonians 5:20), and yet it seems to be the reality in much of Christianity today. Some parts of the Body of Christ have completely cut off hearing from the Spirit of God through prophecy, and much of it is “pruned” through only a few individuals who themselves carry a specific focus and personal agenda.

If prophecy is anything, it’s Jesus speaking, it’s hope rising, and it’s a generation believing that what God promised, He will do. If prophecy is that which is the “testimony” or “witnessed story” of Jesus, then we must understand that the faith required to “only believe” is very much a part of following Jesus in our daily lives that produces great joy by God, through our lives (Revelation 19:10, Mark 5:36). The evidence of God in a person’s life is not the fulfillment of that which will come, but the evidence of faith by one who believes in a God who cannot lie.

Raising Up a Generation of the “Two”

In 2016 the Lord brought a word to me about Joshua and Caleb and the twelve spies who went to view the Promised Land. He told me that ten of the spies saw the reality of the place God had promised them. It was full of every sort of powerful enemy. They would need an incredible release of God’s power to overcome the enemies in the Promised Land. They knew the requirement for faith that this battle would demand was beyond their capacity, and so they fell into unbelief. It was unbelief in the ten that would prevent them from seeing the promise fulfilled, even though the two who did believe would see the promise fulfilled. The ten saw the giants, the two saw the promise. (Photo via Unsplash)

God told me, “Danny, you must be of the two…and you must raise up a generation of the two. You must convince the ten that the promise God has said would come, will come, but they must believe…they must only believe.” It is the promise that will keep you alive until your eyes have seen…only believe!

I believe we are not simply on the precipice of the Greatest Awakening—the Awakening that doesn’t end—but we are in it. It has already begun. The harvest is NOW! Jesus told us over two thousand years ago that the harvest is ripe! Jesus didn’t lie then, and the reality of His statement is reflected today.

The harvest is ripe. Pick up a sickle and start reaping what others have hoped for in faith. Start bringing in the sheaves—fields of them! Many have plowed and many have planted, but as we believe, we get to reap!

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