Bible Verse of the Day: 7 Powerful Benefits

Bible Verse of the Day: 7 Powerful Benefits

We have all heard the term, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This can also be true about reading scripture: “A Bible verse of the day helps keep our troubles at bay.” Having a habit of devotional time can breathe life into your weary soul. Missing even one day can throw you off course. If you notice your day begin to veer off-track, stop and look back – did you miss your morning dose of scripture?

Benefits of Reading the Bible

There are many benefits to regular Bible reading. Foremost, the Bible can be used for every circumstance you come across. It answers every question that exists.

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” – 2 Timothy 3:16-17 

But how can a Bible verse of the day impact your life?

  • Instruction – The Word of God teaches us how to live our lives. Christ himself outlines two big ones, “And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” – Matthew 22:36-40

The rest of scripture is related to how we follow those instructions.

  • Relation – A Bible verse of the day helps build our relationship with Him. This is the main difference between Christianity and other religions. While other religions have followers reaching out to be worthy of contact from their god, Christianity is God reaching out to us. He has made us worthy. It is the only religion that is based on relationship. All others are based on works or appeasement.
  • Education – We can learn something new about God’s natureevery time we open the Bible – even from a single verse. It is one of the beauties of scripture; it never gets old. You can read a verse, and then reread it days, months, or years later and find something new in it you had not seen before.
  • Inspiration – There are those whom God has chosen to be ministers of His Word. Pastors, teachers, and writers rely on inspiration given during devotional times. Their study of the Bible gives them the perspective to teach others. While others can be inspired to do good works for the Lord through what they read.
  • Preparation – In Ephesians 6:10-20, Paul introduces us to the Armor of God. The Word is likened to a sword. The writer of Hebrews also speaks of the Word being sharper than any double-edged sword. As we dive into it, we are donning our swords, getting fitted with our armor; preparing for battle. Ephesians 6 also explains; our battle is not against the world; it is against the evil in the world. And our spirit needs the preparation that only comes from Bible reading.
  • Restoration – We understand that we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23) We also know that God loved us so much that He sent His son to this world to die in our place. (John 3:16) This sacrifice allows us a relationship with Him. Even though we receive that gift, we are human; we are going to mess up. This occurs when we step away from reading scripture daily. When you wander, get back on the path, and be restored through the reading of his Word.
  • Relaxation – Finding a good Bible verse of the day relaxes your restless heart and mind. To calm worries, find your place of solitude. Some call it a “prayer closet,” others call it a quiet place; it is the place you can be quiet with the Lord. Away from the computer, TV, smartphone, and all the hustle and bustle of life. The Word of God can bring peace to a troubled mind; it can bring calm to the stormy sea of your day.


How Do I Find a Bible Verse of the Day?

There are many ways of receiving a daily scripture. You can be old-fashioned and open your Bible and read. For some that works fine, but for most of us, we need guidance. Structure is so part of our daily lives that we do not expect less from our devotional time.

Many Christian websites have a daily scripture-based email. Once you sign up you will receive everything from a Bible verse of the day to devotionals to special offers on various publications they sell. These resources exist to give subscribers access to structured daily scripture reading.

Even GodTV offers a daily newsletter to inspire and teach you from God’s Word using a bible verse of the day. There is also a subscription-based vlog you can sign up for. These are a bit more in-depth about spiritual truths.

Final Thoughts

There are no rules on how you read the Bible. Your only obligation is to read it. You don’t have to read for hours on end. There are no checklist or points of merit for completing a book. You read what you feel led to read. Some days it only takes a Bible verse of the day. Other days, your heart may want to continue. By all means, do so.

There is one more obligation when it comes to reading God’s Word: enter it with an open heart and mind. I always start with a prayer. I say, “Lord, please open my heart and mind to receive what you are about to teach me.” This type of prayer puts you in a mindset of allowing the Spirit to fill you. To teach you. To train you. To inspire you. To equip you. To change you.

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