6. The church is a meeting place
Christians continually refer to buildings that house church services as “the church”—which is why when going to said building they say, “we are going to church”. This in spite of the fact that Scripture teaches that His people are the church and that each believer makes up the temple of the Holy Spirit. (See 1 Corinthians 3:16,12.)
We need to change our language to comport with the reality that the building or cathedral we meet in is NOT the church, but merely houses the Body of Christ for corporate worship, biblical instruction and the Lord’s Supper.
7. Ministers are only in the church place
The word minister simply means servant. Since we are all called to be servants of God we are all ministers of God – irrespective of whether or not we are in full time church ministry. Whatever job you have, your employer is paying you (whether they know it or not) to be a minister of God, representing Him to the particular entity they work at.
8. Eternal life begins when we die physically
While many believers talk about going to heaven to be with God for eternity the truth of the matter is: eternal life begins the moment somebody receives Christ here on earth (see John 3:16-19; 5:24). Consequently, we can begin to enjoy the abundant (eternal) life now while living on earth!
9. The larger the church the more influence it has
The fact of the matter is, our nation has never had more mega churches while at the same time Christianity has never had as little impact on culture as it does today. Hence, there is not necessarily a correlation between the size of a church and its impact on the surrounding community.
There are even small to mid-sized churches that have far more impact on a community than mega churches who are only concerned with attracting their neighbors for Church growth and care not about the conditions of the communities of the unchurched.
10. There is no need for a true Christian to confess their sins
There is an unbiblical teaching going around in some hyper grace circles that, once a person is born again, they never need to confess another sin since Jesus paid the price for all sins, past, present and future. While it is true that Jesus paid for the sins of believers—past, present and future—we need to continually live a life of true repentance and apply the blood of Jesus to our life after we sin. Even as the Apostle John told all believers “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (see 1 John 1:9).
The apostle James also admonishes believers to “confess our faults one to another and pray for one another that we may be healed” (see James 5:16). If anyone teaches that Christians can live the rest of their life with unconfessed—un-repented of sin—after grieving the Holy Spirit of God (see Ephesians 4:30), then I do not know what bible they are reading but it is not the same one as I!
Mar 11 2025