100 Prayers That Reverse Witchcraft Arrows

100 Prayers That Reverse Witchcraft Arrows

Is the enemy releasing witchcraft arrows at your mind, your body, your family and other areas of your life?

You don’t have to fall victim to the arrow that flies by day or the terror that comes at night. You can take authority over it.

Here are 100 prayers to reverse witchcraft arrows. Listen in to my prayer call here.

Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank You for Your divine protection and guidance.

Lord, I cover myself and my family with the blood of Jesus, protecting us from every evil arrow.

Every arrow of sickness and disease targeted at me, backfire in the name of Jesus.

I command every arrow of failure and disappointment to return to its sender in Jesus’ name.

Father, let every arrow of poverty and lack aimed at my life be destroyed now, in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I send back every arrow of confusion and chaos to the sender.

Every evil arrow causing stagnation in my life, be reversed now in Jesus’ name.

Lord, destroy every arrow of untimely death and calamity directed at my family, in Jesus’ name.

I break and nullify every curse and arrow of backwardness fired against me, in Jesus’ name.

Holy Ghost fire, consume every evil arrow aimed at my progress and success, in Jesus’ name.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, I reverse every arrow of barrenness and infertility in Jesus’ name.

Father, every arrow of witchcraft projected at my destiny, be nullified now in Jesus’ name.

I reject and send back every arrow of spiritual blindness and dullness, in Jesus’ name.

Every arrow of depression and despair aimed at my mind, be reversed in the name of Jesus.

Lord, shield me from every evil arrow of discouragement and hopelessness in Jesus’ name.

I command every arrow of demotion and shame to return to its sender in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I reject and reverse every arrow of confusion in my marriage.

Every arrow of financial ruin and debt aimed at me, backfire now in Jesus’ name.

Father, every arrow of delay and obstruction targeted at my breakthrough, be destroyed in Jesus’ name.

I send back every arrow of weakness and fatigue fired against my body, in Jesus’ name.

Lord, let every evil arrow aimed at my children be broken and returned to the sender in Jesus’ name.

Every arrow of accident and injury directed at me, be reversed by fire in Jesus’ name.

I nullify and send back every arrow of betrayal and treachery in Jesus’ name.

Every arrow of spiritual attack aimed at my prayer life, be destroyed now in Jesus’ name.

I command every arrow of witchcraft manipulation to be reversed and backfire in Jesus’ name.

Father, let every arrow of bitterness and unforgiveness be broken and sent back to the sender in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I reject and reverse every arrow of false accusation and slander.

Every arrow of family division and strife aimed at my household, be destroyed now in Jesus’ name.

Lord, I send back every arrow of spiritual dryness and emptiness in Jesus’ name.

I command every arrow of confusion in my career to return to the sender in Jesus’ name.

Every arrow of demonic oppression targeted at my life, be broken and reversed in Jesus’ name.

Father, let every arrow of fear and anxiety aimed at me be destroyed now in Jesus’ name.

I send back every arrow of envy and jealousy fired against me, in the name of Jesus.

Every arrow of evil dreams and nightmares, be reversed and destroyed in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I command every arrow of bad luck and misfortune to backfire.

Lord, destroy every arrow of witchcraft spells and incantations aimed at me, in Jesus’ name.

I reverse and send back every arrow of heartache and sorrow in Jesus’ name.

Every arrow of hidden and secret attacks, be exposed and destroyed now in Jesus’ name.

Father, let every arrow of spiritual contamination and pollution be reversed and nullified in Jesus’ name.

I command every arrow of limitation and hindrance in my life to return to the sender in Jesus’ name.

Every arrow of darkness and evil oppression aimed at my life, be destroyed in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I send back every arrow of rejection and abandonment.

Father, let every arrow of witchcraft curses and spells aimed at my success be destroyed now in Jesus’ name.

I reverse every arrow of hatred and hostility targeted at me, in Jesus’ name.

Every arrow of guilt and condemnation aimed at my mind, be broken and sent back to the sender in Jesus’ name.

Lord, destroy every arrow of spiritual bondage and captivity in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I command every arrow of evil plots and schemes against me to backfire.

Every arrow of spiritual fatigue and weariness aimed at my spirit, be destroyed now in Jesus’ name.

I send back every arrow of negative pronouncements and declarations against me, in Jesus’ name.

Father, let every arrow of evil monitoring and spying be reversed and nullified in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I command every evil arrow targeted at my life to catch fire and burn to ashes.

Every demonic arrow of confusion aimed at my destiny, backfire now in Jesus’ name.

Father, let every evil arrow of failure at the edge of breakthrough be destroyed by fire in Jesus’ name.

By the power of the Holy Ghost, I reverse every arrow of darkness directed at my progress in Jesus’ name.

I command every arrow of witchcraft sent to destroy my destiny to return to the sender with double force in Jesus’ name.

Every evil arrow of marital distress, be broken and destroyed by fire in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I reverse every arrow of demotion and shame aimed at me.

Father, let every arrow of stagnation and delay fired at my life be consumed by Your fire in Jesus’ name.

I command every arrow of mental oppression and depression to be destroyed and return to the sender in Jesus’ name.

Every evil arrow targeted at my finances, catch fire and be destroyed in Jesus’ name.

Lord, let every arrow of infirmity and disease aimed at my body be reversed and nullified in Jesus’ name.

I send back every arrow of witchcraft manipulation and control, in the name of Jesus.

Every arrow of premature death targeted at me or my family, be destroyed by fire in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I command every arrow of spiritual dryness and weakness to return to the sender.

Father, let every evil arrow of confusion and division in my household be broken and destroyed in Jesus’ name.

I reverse every arrow of failure and disappointment directed at my career, in Jesus’ name.

Every arrow of bondage and captivity targeted at my life, be broken by the power of God in Jesus’ name.

By the fire of the Holy Ghost, I command every arrow of witchcraft curses to backfire in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I nullify every evil arrow of backwardness and retrogression.

Every demonic arrow of evil pronouncements and declarations, be destroyed now in Jesus’ name.

I send back every arrow of jealousy and envy fired against me, in the name of Jesus.

Father, let every arrow of evil monitoring and surveillance be reversed and destroyed in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I command every arrow of spiritual lukewarmness to catch fire and be destroyed.

Every arrow of witchcraft spells and incantations aimed at me, backfire now in Jesus’ name.

I reverse every arrow of family curses and generational problems in Jesus’ name.

Father, let every arrow of shame and reproach directed at my life be destroyed by fire in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I send back every arrow of financial hardship and struggle.

Every arrow of hidden and secret attacks against my life, be exposed and destroyed in Jesus’ name.

I command every arrow of evil dreams and nightmares to catch fire and be nullified in Jesus’ name.

Father, let every arrow of unfruitfulness and barrenness be destroyed by fire in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I reverse every arrow of evil manipulation against my destiny.

Every arrow of witchcraft control and domination, backfire now in Jesus’ name.

I command every arrow of spiritual contamination to catch fire and be destroyed in Jesus’ name.

By the power of the Holy Ghost, I nullify every arrow of rejection and abandonment in Jesus’ name.

Every arrow of evil conspiracies and plots against me, be destroyed now in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I reverse every arrow of evil covenants and agreements.

Father, let every arrow of spiritual wickedness in high places targeted at me be destroyed by fire in Jesus’ name.

I send back every arrow of fear and intimidation aimed at my life, in the name of Jesus.

Every arrow of demonic oppression and suppression, catch fire and be destroyed in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I command every arrow of evil counsel and advice to backfire.

Father, let every arrow of spiritual dryness and prayerlessness be destroyed by Your fire in Jesus’ name.

I reverse every arrow of destiny diversion and manipulation in Jesus’ name.

Every arrow of witchcraft incantations and chants, be destroyed now in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I command every arrow of spiritual theft and robbery to backfire.

Father, let every arrow of infirmity and chronic sickness be destroyed by fire in Jesus’ name.

I send back every arrow of mental confusion and forgetfulness, in the name of Jesus.

Every arrow of spiritual blindness and ignorance aimed at me, be reversed and destroyed in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I nullify every arrow of evil seeds and planting.

Father, let every arrow of marital distress and conflict be destroyed by fire in Jesus’ name.

By the power of the Holy Ghost, I reverse every arrow of evil covenants made knowingly or unknowingly in Jesus’ name.

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