“11 Tell-Tale Signs of the Coming Move of God”

“11 Tell-Tale Signs of the Coming Move of God”

When seeking the Lord concerning the year 2020 and beyond, I was excited to hear the Lord say to me that the coming year is “20/20, the Year of Perfect Vision!” The Lord is proclaiming this statement over the Body of Christ, right now. He began to talk to me concerning the ability of the Holy Spirit to give us spiritual discernment to see clearly in these last days. I was reminded of the prayer that the Apostle Paul prayed for the church at Ephesus:

“Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the Church, which is His Body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.” (Ephesians 1:15-23 NKJV).

Because of the Lord’s desire for the Believer’s spiritual eyesight to be developed, we need to pray this prayer as often as possible. Personally, I pray this prayer every day and have seen my level of spiritual insight and revelation increase exponentially. The Lord wants us to wait in His glorious presence for revelation that will flood us with understanding.

Enter the Glory By Waiting on God

Not long ago as I was waking up in my bedroom, I saw an angel that was standing across the room by the dresser. He was dressed differently than I have ever seen an angel dressed before that time. He stood before me, clothed in a very ornamented robe. It seemed as though he was waiting for me to wake up as he stood there. We were immediately caught up in the spirit. The angel took me to a specific place because he wanted to show me the secret of waiting on God.

I was shown the future. What I saw concerned the move of God that is coming to the earth. It was a move of the glory of the Father that saturated the atmosphere in the churches where I would be sent to preach. The angel told me that the time that I spend waiting on God will be in relation to the amount of the glory that I will be able to access in the ministry of the Holy Spirit. The angel was given permission to show me all these things so that I would be encouraged to wait upon the Lord. This possibility of being able to access a great amount of glory was going to be available in all the churches where I would go. I was shown churches where I had not yet even ministered. The Lord showed me that the glory was on the earth. He said Christians can enter into the glory by waiting upon Him.

Then, the angel took me into a room. Jesus was standing in that room waiting for us. Jesus seemed sad because He said, “My people were not waiting upon Me.” He wanted to teach me how important it is to wait in the presence of the Lord. I realized that when I wait upon the Lord, the glory will begin to increase in my life and ministry. Next, the door through which we had just walked closed. The space that we occupied became an elevator.

Within the space, there were buttons to display the different levels of revelation that we could attain as we waited upon the Lord. The space was actually a room of waiting. I asked Jesus which floor I should choose, and He said that the floor that I chose was up to me. He asked me, “How long do you want to wait upon Me?” He bowed His head, and so did the angel. I bowed my head, and we waited. I felt the whole room start to ascend into the glory realm. After a while, I looked up. The elevator stopped climbing, and the door opened. We had ascended to a very high place. The room was full of revelation knowledge and glory of God.

As I looked out the door, I was looking down and seeing my life as God sees it. We had gone so high that all the things that troubled me were so small. This was the result of waiting on God. Jesus had taken me to His vantage point. It was a much better perspective of my life than I had previously known before I waited upon Him in the room of revelation.

Every Christian must receive Heaven’s perspective for his or her life. This angel was given permission to show me that it is exceedingly important to wait upon God. The amount of time that a Christian is willing to wait upon the Lord is directly related to the amount of the glory that God will reveal in this generation.

“So the Lord must wait for you to come to Him so He can show you His love and compassion. For the Lord is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for His help.” (Isaiah 30:18 NLT)

The Heavenly Key

The move of God is under way in this generation. The key is to not forcefully pursue His revelation and glory by soulish manipulation. The key here is to wait upon the Lord. He will cause a great and mighty flow of the glory of Father God. There are many things that must be revealed to every Christian so that they are able to understand the specific and unique ministry that God has given to them as a Believer. It is especially important at this time in history for each Christian to wait upon the Lord. The angels have been assigned to every Christian to make sure that each one can receive all the briefings from Heaven that are needed in this time for this generation. I know that each Believer desires to be faithful to God. Just remember, the angels of Heaven are assigned to each Believer, and their desire is for each us to be faithful to God as well. Angels are trained agents of faithfulness. They cannot be denied if a Christian will continue trusting God and let angels do their job.

Believers are chosen as beloved children who have a destiny and a bright future. Every Believer needs to grasp, by the Spirit’s revelation, who they are to Father God. As Believers, we have walked into an amazing encounter with the Spirit of God. This move of God is of historical proportions and is just ahead of us.

Here are some characteristics that are very important to know concerning this epic move of God that has begun:

1) This next move of God is the Father revealing Himself through HABITATION.

We have encountered His visitation and the Spirit of revelation. When these have come into full manifestation, we will encounter the fullness of the Father’s glory, which is God’s habitation. In the final phase, God will not only visit us but will decide to stay with us in full manifestation as mighty miracles occur because of Father God’s glory.

2) This next move of God will involve His children beginning to understand the activity of WAITING on the Lord God our Father in His glory!

As I have mentioned previously, there cannot be an over-emphasis on the activity of waiting on the Lord in times of meditation and prayer. We need to understand God’s ways of gaining insight into His Kingdom activity. As we wait on the Lord, He comes and gives us understanding. Revelation of the Spirit will flow as we become one with Him.

3) The glory of the Father will be revealed because of His Love.

God has always loved man. The separation that we as human beings have experienced with God is not His fault. Because of sin, man is fallen and has become rebellious toward all that is good. When God shows His love through Jesus Christ, we see how good and merciful He is. “Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?” (Romans 2:4 NKJV).

4) The FEAR OF THE LORD will be a common occurrence which will produce humility among Believers.

The fear of the Lord is coming back to the Believer’s life. I was assured of this many times as the Lord is setting us up for the next move of His glory. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction” (Proverbs 1:7). We are going to encounter His awesomeness as Moses did on the holy mountain. There are certain traits that must be demonstrated by Believers in order to be prepared. Moses was a very humble man and understood the fear of the Lord. “Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth” (Numbers 12:3 KJV).

In the Strong’s Concordance, the word for meek is #6035, ‘ânâv; or in mind (gentle) or circumstances (needy, especially saintly): – humble, lowly, meek, poor. We must guard our hearts against pride and arrogance. The fear of the Lord requires us to hate pride. “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate” (Proverbs 8:13).

5) The Father has saved the next move (THE BEST) for Himself. Other moves involved the Holy Spirit and Jesus revealing the Father.

This next move is the move of the Father, God. He will come into our lives in an amazing way and reveal His ways to us.

6) The glory of God is the “substance of His personality.”

When I encountered the throne of Heaven, I realized that God’s glory contained the very essence of His person. To encounter His glory is to encounter His personality!

7) The “ways of God” are His personality.

When you think of God’s ways, you must understand that His ways are considered to be His pathways. He has ways of doing things and we should find out what those are. The Holy Spirit desires to lead you into those ways. Our goal is to know the only true God. “Moses knew His ways (His personality), Israel saw His acts (they were spectators)” (Psalm 103:7 KJV, emphasis added).

8) This last move is for God’s own children; those who love Him.

The world will be a SPECTATORS and His true children will be PARTICIPATORS. We will begin to see a separation between those who genuinely love Him and those who are not sincere. We are not just to be observers but to have active encounters. Many will come to the Lord because we are participators.

9) Children will begin to take the forefront in ministry.

I also saw children being raised up with powerful ministries, starting at a young age. Get ready for them to come to the forefront.

10) Angel visitation will become common. Angels are implementors of the Father’s revelation of glory.

Get ready for the holy ones to minister for you in powerful ways. They are sent to minister for you who are to “inherit salvation” (see Hebrews 1:14).

11) JOY and PROPHESYING will be accompanied with drunkenness of the Holy Spirit as people worship together everywhere.

The apostle Peter had to explain to the people that those who had the Holy Spirit fall on them were not physically drunk. Joy and prophesying are beginning to occur as Believers gather together and worship in the glory!

The future is full of the glory of God as we yield to our heavenly destinies. God has written many wonderful things in our books in Heaven for us to encounter. Soon, we will see Jesus coming in all His glory and your life down here will certainly be worth it all.

“You saw who You created me to be before I became me! Before I’d ever seen the light of day, the number of days You planned for me were already recorded in Your book.” (Psalms 139:16 TPT)

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