15 Ways to Discern Jezebel’s Assassins in Your Midst

15 Ways to Discern Jezebel’s Assassins in Your Midst

If you are doing anything at all for God—and especially if you have a prophetic mandate on your life—Jezebel wants to cut off your voice. If Jezebel can't cut off your voice, she'll try to pervert your voice by seducing you to defile yourself.

We see Queen Jezebel in the Old Testament—a prophet-killing monarch and murderer who was ultimately eaten by dogs. We also see Jezebel, a woman who calls herself a prophetess, in Revelation 2:20. Jezebel is a spirit of seduction that works to woo you away from Jesus through idolatry and tempt you to defile yourself with sexual immorality. I talk more about this in my book, Jezebel's Puppets.

Listen to Jennifer's podcast on Jezebel's assassins.

Before we move on to the ways in which Jezebel manifests—which is not an exhaustive list—remember that people influenced by this spirit have fear issues and use control and manipulation to ease those fears and the fear of rejection. They figure they can't be hurt or wounded if they control things. We need to separate the principality from the personality—loving the person and hating the spirit that holds them in bondage.

15 Ways Jezebel Operates

1. People influenced by a Jezebel spirit target the leader. They usually offer to help where help is desperately needed, either in administration, intercession or some other area that puts them close to the leader.


2. People influenced by a Jezebel spirit make false covenants they don't intend to keep in order to gain position. “I will fight with you. I will stand with you. I don't give up easy. No matter what happens, I will have your back.”

3. People influenced by a Jezebel spirit seem spiritual to outsiders. They come in talking about their prayer lives and 40-day fasts. They exuberantly share what they see in the spirit realm. They may pray eloquent prayers and prophesy encouraging words to members over in the corner where no one else can hear. They gather people to themselves.

4. People influenced by a Jezebel spirit seek to isolate the leader from others who can speak into their lives and especially prophetic people who could identify them.  

5. People influenced by a Jezebel spirit pit people against each other in the ministry—and will ultimately pit people against you. People who threaten them are set up and chased out.

6. People influenced by a Jezebel spirit play the victim. They want your pity.

7. People influenced by a Jezebel spirit are never wrong. The problem is always with someone else and never them. If they do repent, it's a false repentance to stay on your good side.

8. People influenced by a Jezebel spirit seem humble, but it's false humility—it's a religious spirit.

9. People influenced by the Jezebel spirit really feel self-important. Remember, that woman Jezebel called herself a prophetess (Rev. 2:20). They have to have their way—and they manipulate to get it.

10. People influenced by a Jezebel spirit will not be accountable to anyone. If anyone tries to bring accountability, they accuse them of being a Jezebel.

11. People with a Jezebel spirit look for those who are hurt and wounded or insecure and become their prophet, teacher and spiritual guide. They draw people to themselves, who become their eunuchs.

12. People with a Jezebel spirit will try to guilt you if you don't bow to their needs. They will tell you that you aren't operating in the fruit of the Spirit or acting Christlike as a ploy to get you to submit to what they want.

13. Jezebel will try to operate through people with insecurity, emotional instability, pride, arrogance, manipulation and control.

14. People influenced by a Jezebel spirit will twist the facts. They have selective memory. They are smooth and slick and almost convince you that they are right.

15. People influenced by an advanced Jezebel spirit will actually start praying witchcraft prayers against you—praying their own will rather than God's will. “Lord, remove that person from that position. That position belongs to me.”

Stop Tolerating Jezebel

If you discern a Jezebel spirit in your midst, confront it quickly. Time is not on your side. The longer you don't confront it, the more damage it can do. What's more if you tolerate that spirit, Jesus has issues with you. He says in Revelation 2 that if Jezebel doesn't repent, He will throw her on a sickbed and those who commit adultery with her. In another article, I'll share with you how to discern a Jezebel attack against your life and how to throw Jezebel down.

Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of awakeningtv.com, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening;Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of God; The Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer's Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.

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