2 Ways We Give Hindering Spirits an Advantage

2 Ways We Give Hindering Spirits an Advantage

One of the biggest mistakes believers make in spiritual warfare is underestimating the enemy’s subtle tactics. We often think of spiritual attacks as obvious, full-force battles, but hindering spirits don’t always come at you with an all-out assault. They’re sneaky, operating under the radar, and their greatest weapon against you is your own ignorance. If you don’t recognize what’s happening, they can thrive in your life, frustrating your progress and delaying your destiny.

But here’s the kicker: if you come into agreement with these hindrances, you’re actually giving them more power to operate. Your words, your mindset, and your actions either empower the enemy or align with God’s promises. And if you’re not careful, you might find yourself reinforcing the very obstacles that you’re trying to overcome.

Ignorance: The Enemy’s Greatest Advantage

The Bible tells us in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Ignorance is one of the enemy’s most powerful weapons because if you don’t recognize the presence of hindering spirits, you won’t resist them. You’ll accept delays, frustrations, and setbacks as part of life, or worse, you’ll assume they’re God’s will.

Hindering spirits thrive in this environment of ignorance. They want you to believe that the challenges you’re facing are just “part of the process” or that the delay means God has changed His mind. But let me tell you something: God is not a God of confusion, and He does not change His mind about His promises (Numbers 23:19). If you’re facing constant resistance, it’s time to stop and ask, “Is this spiritual warfare?”

The enemy loves to operate in the shadows, hoping you’ll chalk up your hindrances to bad luck, poor timing, or even God’s will. But once you become aware that a hindering spirit is at work, that awareness shifts the power dynamic. You can’t fight what you don’t recognize, but the moment you discern the enemy’s presence, you have the authority to shut it down in the name of Jesus.

Agreement: The Power of Your Words and Actions

Here’s where the battle gets even more serious: your words, actions, and mindset can either break the power of hindering spirits or strengthen their grip on your life. When you come into agreement with the enemy’s tactics—whether knowingly or unknowingly—you give him more authority to operate.

How does this happen? It starts with your words. Proverbs 18:21 tells us, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” The enemy knows that your words are powerful, and he’s listening to how you speak about your situation. Every time you say things like, “It’s always something,” “Nothing ever goes right for me,” or “Maybe this just isn’t God’s will,” you’re coming into agreement with the hindrance.

Let me be blunt: those kinds of statements reinforce the enemy’s plans. You might think you’re just venting your frustration, but in reality, you’re aligning your words with the enemy’s lies. Your words are either partnering with the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of darkness—there is no middle ground.

Here’s the truth: God’s promises are yes and amen (2 Corinthians 1:20). He has good plans for your life (Jeremiah 29:11), and His will is for you to walk in victory. But when you speak words of doubt, fear, or frustration, you’re creating an atmosphere where hindering spirits can thrive. The enemy is looking for any open door, and agreement with his lies is one of the biggest doors you can open.

Recognizing the Power of Agreement

Your mindset also plays a significant role in spiritual warfare. Hindering spirits feed on your belief system. If you start thinking, “Maybe this delay is from God” or “Maybe I’m not supposed to do this,” you’ve just given the enemy the agreement he needs to keep hindering you.

Jesus made it clear that our faith plays a crucial role in what we receive. He said, “According to your faith be it unto you” (Matthew 9:29). What you believe matters. If you believe that the delay is permanent or that the hindrance is God’s will, you’ve already lost the battle before it’s even begun.

But if you stand firm in faith—believing that no weapon formed against you will prosper (Isaiah 54:17), that God’s plans for you are good, and that He will make a way where there seems to be no way (Isaiah 43:16)—you’re positioning yourself for victory. The enemy has no legal right to block your progress unless you give him one.

Hindering spirits thrive on ignorance and agreement, but you don’t have to fall for their schemes. Be vigilant. Recognize when the enemy is trying to use your words, thoughts, or actions against you, and break agreement with those lies. Speak life. Declare God’s promises over your situation, even when things look bleak. Your words have power, and when you align them with the Word of God, no hindering spirit can stop your breakthrough.

Stay strong, stay prayerful, and keep speaking life. God is faithful, and your victory is assured.

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