This is one of the most profound prophetic words I have ever received, second only to what the Lord told me in 2007 about a Great Awakening coming to this nation. In September, the Lord spoke these words to me:
An abundant harvest is at hand. I am releasing angels of abundant harvest into the nation. You will reap what you have sown. This is a double-edged sword.
Where the enemy has resisted your harvest in years past, you will see a multiplication effect of blessing in your life. Doors will open unto you that no man can open. Opportunities will come your way that you never dreamed, imagined or even thought to ask for. Provision will enter your life from unexpected places.
If you have sown to the Spirit, you will reap from the Spirit. If you have sown into My kingdom business, you will see a return on the investment of your time, your finances and your relationships. Reinforcement will come to support the work of your hand. You will find that lack is no longer in your language. You will see blessings chase you down and overtake you. You will find that I am leading you and guiding you with greater precision. You will hear My voice and dream My dreams and see My visions. You will rest in Me and have confidence and faith in me that defies the enemy’s plans for your life. This is a year of abundant harvest.
Be warned, though, and be ready because the other side of this double-edged sword is a harvest of the enemy’s agenda for those who have refused My mercy and have not heeded My voice. I am calling you to repent now before that day of reckoning comes. I will not be mocked. Whatever a man sows he will reap. There are laws of the harvest and they are in effect.
If you have been holding back what belongs to Me, release it. If you have been muzzling the ox, loose him. If you have been sowing seeds of discord among My children, go to them in humility and make it right. If you have been defying My will, get in alignment with me now. Right now.
If you have been sowing to the flesh, you will reap from the flesh if you do not repent quickly. You will begin to see a trickle of the rotten harvest spring forth in your life if you do not choose My ways. My ways are higher than your ways. But there is still time to repent. There is still time to choose mercy over judgment. There is still time to push back the enemy’s work. Yes, there are consequences for your choices but you can start planting new seeds now to reverse the curse of sin.
I am releasing the angels of abundant harvest. They will minister blessings to the heirs of salvation. They will bring provision and protection from the enemy’s sword. I am releasing the angels of abundant harvest. Make your choice. Choose this day whom you will serve with your whole heart. I am a God of justice. I am also a God of mercy.
You have put me to the test in the last season and a season of abundant harvest is coming into your life. Prepare your hearts now to receive what is in store for you and repent for the poisonous seeds you’ve sown so you can escape the snare of the fowler. I am Your God and I love you with an everlasting love. I am releasing angels of abundant harvest.
Charisma House has raced to publish a teaching book based on this prophetic word so that you can apply biblical principles in cooperation with the angels of abundant harvest. Visit to learn more and read what James Goll and others have to say about this teaching.