2019: A Year of Heavenly Vision and Perspective

2019: A Year of Heavenly Vision and Perspective

I recognize this is a longer word, but I encourage you to really take the time to read this through. I feel this word of the Lord so strongly for the Body of Christ.

Matthew 4:1-11 has been burning on my heart recently—the story of Jesus tempted by the enemy. As I have been sitting with the Lord and meditating upon this passage, He has been speaking to me about 2019.

2019 is going to be a year of significant opportunity. It is going to be a year of increase in heavenly vision and perspective. 2019 is the year of “ASK” (Jeremiah 33:3) and the year to move in divine wisdom and heavenly strategy like never before. 2019 will be a year where we will see the demonstration of the Lord’s “outstretched arm” to deliver and save in power, like never before. This is a time of great harvest. This is a time of great outpouring. This is a season of rain. The move of God that we are all anticipating and feel the Lord continually speaking about is upon us. I say often that we are about to see God move like we have never seen Him move before. The Lord really is doing a new thing (Isaiah 43:19).

His Presence vs. Our Production

“In this new era, allow Me to build through you and do not attempt to manipulate the anointing.”

As I have continued to sit with the Lord to hear His heart, I have felt His invitation of drawing me deeper in the secret place to know Him and know the rhythm of His heart. In this quiet place with the Lord, He has been speaking to me about “being PRESENT in His presence over PRODUCTION.” In the acceleration of 2019 there will be a temptation to “PRODUCE” and that is a scary place to be if we find ourselves trying to produce things that God is not asking us to build. God wants us to dream big in 2019 and co-labor with Him in spectacular ways that we have not seen before, but I also feel a weighty sense of the fear of the Lord this year. It is imperative that we are building where He is building and what He is calling us to put our hands to.

The Word Will Be Your Key to Overcome Testing and Temptation in 2019

So as I sat with the Lord regarding Matthew 4:1-11, He said to me that there are going to be times of significant testing in 2019 for the Body of Christ, but the testing is to bring stretching and strength for the advancement upon us. There are going to be times in 2019 where there will be intense testing that will come upon many in the Body of Christ. They will be times where the enemy will come and bring “temptation” to bring COMPROMISE.

As I sat with the Lord on this, I heard Him say: “I am decreeing over 2019 that it is a year to CONQUER and to ADVANCE. It is a year to take new ground and to move ‘off the beaten track.’ These times of testing will come to come against the words that I have spoken to you, My people. These ‘temptations’ will come to attempt to cause you to compromise on things I have spoken to you, to put your hands to, to move into; the messages I have called you to carry; to build where I am not building and to cause you to not move forward in obedience. For there will be many times in 2019 where it will require radical obedience and moving ‘against the grain’ in many ways, but where I guide, I will provide.

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