Upgrade Your Vision and Perspective
“Out of these times of “testing” and “temptation” the hearts of God’s people will burn for Jesus like never before as they hear His voice and the power of His Word…”
These times of “testing” and “temptation” will upgrade your vision and perspective as you hold onto Him and His Word. The reality and conviction of Matthew 4:4 will burn in you like never before. The enemy will come to attempt to have you compromise on the vision, compromise on the Word of the Lord over your life to the Word of God through your life, but as you stand strong in resolve in what God has said, moving only where He leads, there will be a major upgrade of your vision. You will see clearer than you have ever seen. You will see with a heavenly perspective and you will see the strategies of the enemy clearer than ever.
The wrestle with the enemy in these moments of “testing” and “temptation” will increase your discernment and give you eyes of fire — seeing as He sees with greater clarity. They will actually set you up, in greater ways, for taking new ground and advancement. They will set you up to enter even greater and deeper realms of Jeremiah 33:3 as you SEE the power of the Word of God and His revelation contained within it. It’s in the place of having to hold fast, tightly, to the Word of God in the wrestle that you receive greater revelation and impartation. The enemy will come in these moments of “testing” to SIFT you but as you hold onto the Word, the enemy’s temptations will not take root, and you will see the decree of Heaven: “I AM SHIFTING YOU!”
Glory Outside the Box—A God That Cannot Be Contained
The Lord’s voice has been resounding so much, decreeing the “Time to build.” In this decree I have been feeling a strong excitement to build the new things with Him, that are going to be so glorious, and see the glory of the Lord come like never before in 2019. His power, His glory and presence will be made manifest in the earth in unprecedented ways. The Lord has been speaking so much about harvest, about being prepared to carry what He is releasing, and about being ready for the outpouring.
As I lingered with Him to listen to His heart, I was reminded of a dream I had last year. In the dream the Lord showed me a glimpse of this mighty move of His Spirit across the earth—the greater glory outpouring—and in the midst of it taking place, I saw many attempting to “box” the move of God out of fear of the “new” and what the “new” looks like. There was such a fear of “how” God was going to show up, “what it would look like” and how much it would “upset the apple cart” of what has been done before. No matter how much of an attempt there was to “box in” the Lord in expectation, He found a way out and it was glorious! The way He broke boxes and showed up was INCREDIBLE. His majesty was displayed and His glory was blinding. From that dream the Lord birthed in me a cry: “Lord, we want You on Your terms and Your way.”
As this dream was brought back to my mind I felt the Lord saying: “In this new era, allow Me to build through you and do not attempt to manipulate the anointing.”
I strongly felt the fear of God to surrender, to yield and to allow Him to move in His ways and on His terms. I believe that we are going to see God move so incredibly in 2019. The Bride of Christ is going to SHINE like never before (Isaiah 60). But there is a warning I believe the Lord is releasing that encourages us as His people to allow Him to build, move and act in the way He chooses—a warning that we are not to “get in the way” with how we expect it should be, that we are to not find ourselves in a place where we use the anointing for personal gain, personal promotion or any impure ways.
Mar 11 2025