What God is doing and about to do is glorious. We are in a new era of Him reintroducing Himself and His power like never before, but we must steward our lives and what He places in our hands, surrendering to His ways, with purity, integrity and humility.
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the LORD.” (Isaiah 55:8 ESV)
There will be glorious favor and promotion by the hand of the Lord upon those who obey and follow Him in purity and integrity in 2019. This invitation from the Lord’s heart is to bring us deeper into the place of the fear of God in partnering and co-laboring with Him in the earth, and to not “play around” with the anointing but allow God to have His way and BE GOD — even if it looks messy!
Friends, 2019 is going to be a year like no other. There will be many demonstrations of His power, His justice, His provision, His favor, His breakthrough and deliverance, but God is also looking for a people who are yielded, strong, fortified in Him and His Word alone, prepared and maturing to carry His glory. He is increasing, strengthening, maturing and fortifying His Bride, and His decree over you is that you will SHINE in 2019. You will CONQUER in 2019 and be part of the mighty move of His Spirit upon the earth that’s before us.
It’s up to us whether we get on board and partner with what He is doing and lay down any agendas. The King of Glory is going to be made manifest and again the Church will be left facedown in awe and wonder and trembling at the majesty of God and the power of His Word.
The harvest is coming in! Let us be a people who are READY!
Mar 12 2025