2019 Prophecy: Kingdom Music Goes Viral, Revival in Hollywood

2019 Prophecy: Kingdom Music Goes Viral, Revival in Hollywood

Secular and Kingdom music will produce songs that will go viral and impact all peoples with Godly worship demonstration. Laughter will result from this new release…lifting heavy burdens and producing liberty.

Denominations will join hands for the exaltation of Jesus, the King of kings. Denominations will reach across their theological boundaries and connect, heart to heart and hand to hand. A blending of the Body of Christ will release an unconditional love, healing many in the Body of Christ.

I also saw ministries to feed the hungry abounding. A major focus will fill the hearts in the United States, and programs and ministries will be birthed to meet the need and demand of people going hungry. More gardens of provision will be planted than ever before.Peace from Jesus will calm anxieties. An impartation of peace will spread throughout the Body of Christ. Where some have had to take medication to help their anxieties, the Word of God will begin to heal many. The compassion of Jesus is touching many, healing their anxieties. Fear will evaporate with the wind of the Holy Spirit.

Hollywood will prepare to bow their knee to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Hearts and bodies will be healed and loneliness will be dispelled. This revival will be known as a replica of the Azusa Street Revival.

Discoveries in computer warfare will produce the protection and prevention of stealing intellectual secrets. Inventive discoveries are happening which are causing the United States to be more Cyber secure in the area of business. This will prevent the stealing of intellectual secrets, private finances, bank transactions, and personal information which has previously resulted in identity theft.

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