2019: The Year to Soar with a Roar

2019: The Year to Soar with a Roar

This year the Lord says, “Know that I’m soaring with you and my winds are transitioning you from glory to glory and new places that you’ve never seen before. I’m causing this to be a year of ‘Access Granted and Answers Released’. As my people Soar and roar Positions are shifting, tables are turning, divine opportunities are manifesting that will bring forth new positions of influence and authority. The reign of Saul is coming down and the Davids are rising up. The horn of the Lord will be exalted and the voice of the ekklesia will be amplified with a mighty roar.” Watch for increased Angelic activity, visitation & breakthrough to be a normal occurrence.

The Lord is releasing His breaker anointing that trumps the warfare. Holy Spirit says, “As we soar high like the eagle we will see shakings and unprecedented moves of the spirit in the United States in the key places such as Georgia, North Carolina, California, Texas, New York City.” I saw and heard the words “Another Wave of Revival” over continents and nations like South America and throughout Latin America upon a young generation of burning hearts. A Sovereign move of my His spirit is coming upon Asia, Africa, Australia.

“As my people soar with a roar I’m releasing My governmental roar in the United Kingdom and throughout Europe that will shift laws, government and shake the very ground of your Land,” says the Lord Almighty! Hear the Roar of the Lord nations of the earth.

Let every nation and tribe rise up together in the Unity of Psalm 133. This is a year of synergy and generational mergers amongst the young and old that will bring forth forward movement. It’s time to fly and release the sound of heaven.

Get ready to Soar with a Roar in this new year says the Lord!

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