2022 Prophecy: A Year to Invest in Yourself

2022 Prophecy: A Year to Invest in Yourself

Many people have become survivors and caregivers over the past two years, setting aside their own need and equipping as a result. But God is saying this is a year to invest in yourself.

Jesus said, “The second is this: Love your neighbor, as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:31).

You can’t pour out the love of God if you don’t receive that love and love yourself. Running yourself into the ground is not loving yourself.

When you get on an airplane they offer safety and survival protocols. They always tell you, “Put on your oxygen mask before you help others.” You really can’t be much help to others if you don’t help yourself.

We need to build ourselves up, get equipped and prepared for what comes next–both the good and the bad. We need to prepare naturally and spiritually.

God has a purpose and a plan for your life. In fact, Paul wrote: “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10).

Take some time for yourself. Rest. Read a book. Take a course. Get equipped for your high calling.

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