2022 Prophecy: China Aims to Take Taiwan Under Biden Presidency

2022 Prophecy: China Aims to Take Taiwan Under Biden Presidency

Leaving Taiwan in 2018 in a wheelchair due to a severe sprained ankle, what felt like deep sorrow engulfed me. I waxed silent and then began to gently weep as I was wheeled through the airport. I was speechless. Caught in a vision that I could not escape even though I didn’t want to see it.

The Lord showed me the enemy’s plans for death and destruction in Taiwan. I saw an army from mainland China invading the land in effort to bring Taiwan fully back into the Communist fold. It shook me to the point that I could not even speak when asked what the matter was. I could not shake the images of the army marching, the resistance from Taiwan and the bloodshed.

Many analysts debate over if or when this could happen. But China is testing our resolve to stand with Taiwan and preparing for a strike during the Biden presidency.

You might wonder what this has to do with you. It’s a sign of the times. We’re moving from rumors of wars to wars (see Matthew 24:6).


We need to pray for Taiwan. The tensions between Taiwan and China are rising, and we’ve seen what China will do after the oppression in Hong Kong. Taiwan’s military is literally doing exercises simulating fighting off Chinese armies.

Pray against a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.

Pray Taiwan maintains its democratic status.

Pray more missionaries will rise up and share the gospel.

Pray marketplace ministers would emerge to share the truth of Jesus in workplaces.

Pray dol worship, false regions and superstition will bow to the Lord.

Pray Bible studies strengthen and become church plants.

Pray for the protection of secret churches in Taiwan.

Pray for a spiritual awakening and transforming revival in Taiwan.

Awakening Prayer Hubs is a global movement of intercessors. We’re looking for 1,000 prayer warriors to raise up as prayer leaders in cities around the world. Launch a hub, find a hub or sponsor a hub at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com.

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