21 Urgent Intercessory Prayers for 2021

21 Urgent Intercessory Prayers for 2021

Late in 2020, the Lord told me expressly, “2021 will be a replay if we don’t pray.” Some people respond to that glibly with, “Well, my 2020 was great.”

Maybe so, but it wasn’t great for the people who lost loved ones, houses, jobs, businesses, their mental health and more. There’s never been a more critical time in history for intercessors to rise up and pray.

With that, here are 21 urgent intercessory prayers for 2021.

1. Pray for unity in the church.

Awakening Prayer Hubs’ theme this month is the unity of the faith. You can get a number of additional prayer points on this theme here.

2. Pray for a cleansing in the prophetic movement.

The prophetic movement is facing a Humpty Dumpty moment. This has been a long time coming. In fact, I prophesied about a prophetic showdown 20 years ago and wrote about this extensively in my book, Discerning Prophetic Witchcraft.

3. Pray for protection over your nation.

The enemy is raging in the nations. Take responsibility for your nation. You have authority there as one with boots on the ground and a connection to the land.

4. Pray for an end to the pandemic.

A vaccine does not make the world’s woes go away. We need to pray for divine intervention, and also be aware that there are more viruses that will be released in the earth in the coming years. Part of this is just end-times prophecy in Matthew 24 playing out.

5. Pray for the gospel to run swiftly in the nations.

This is the will of God, for the gospel to be preached to all nations.

6. Pray for godly leadership to arise and displace leaders with wrong motives.

In July 2020, I prophesied about a time of chaotic transitions, with resignations rising. This is already starting to manifest. The key is to make sure godly people are not forced out in the process of reorganizations.

7. Pray for signs-and-wonders working evangelists to rise up.

People need to know that Jesus is alive through power encounters, not just eloquent words. Paul said, “For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power”(1 Corinthians 4:20).

8. Pray for intercessors who will not be intimidated by the enemy.

Intercessors are growing weary. Others don’t want to engage the enemy. We need a spirit of refreshing and boldness to come upon the intercessors.

9. Pray for teachers who will not compromise the Word.

Paul said in the last days people would gather to themselves teachers who will tell them what they want to hear (see 2 Timothy 4:3).

10. Pray for exposure of adultery, fornication and spiritual abuse in the church.

Exposure is a popular prayer right now—and it should be. Don’t stop praying for exposure.

11. Pray for pastors who are on the edge of burnout from the load.

Pastors are quitting the ministry in droves.

12. Pray for deliverance ministers to answer their calling.

There is a sore lack of deliverance ministers. I previously prophesied about the rise of a new breed of deliverance ministers.

13. Pray for the lost to get saved.

The harvest is white and ready for harvest (see John 4:35).

14. Pray for the prodigals to come home.

Many have prophesied the return of the prodigals. That doesn’t mean we can stop praying.

15. Pray for a generous spirit to rest the church so the gospel can be funded.

Generosity is critical in this hour. Many people are eating their seat instead of sowing into the kingdom. Proverbs 11:25 assures, “The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”

16. Pray for missionaries who are risking their lives to reach the lost.

This should be a major priority for every church, even if you don’t have an active evangelism program. Missionaries need our prayers.

17. Pray for a spirit of innovation to come upon the church.

I prophesied about this two years ago, seeing the need coming. We have seen some innovation but many are still stuck on the old ways.

18. Pray for the supernatural wealth transfer.

This is biblical, and we need it to advance the kingdom at an accelerated pace.

19. Pray for strength and inner healing for church leaders.

Many church leaders have been beaten down and are worn out.

20. Pray for stable economies in the earth.

With economic crises pending, we need to pray for stability so we don’t see another recession—or worse.

21. Pray for awakening and revival.

The Holy Spirit woke me up at midnight in 2007 and told me a third great awakening is coming to America. That was 14 years ago. I am still standing on that word.

Awakening Prayer Hubs is looking for 1,000 prayer warriors to raise up as prayer leaders—prophetic solutionists to problems in your city and nation. Start a hub or launch a hub. Find out more at awakeningprayerhubs.com.

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