4 Prophetic Words to Inspire Peace During Difficult Times

4 Prophetic Words to Inspire Peace During Difficult Times

Developing a relationship with the Holy Spirit is crucial if you want to discover and fulfill God's will for your life—and walk in your destiny. Some long to fellowship with the Spirit of God and hear His still, small voice but don't know how or don't believe they can.

In my book, Mornings With the Holy Spirit: Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of God, I have shared with the world prophetic words the Holy Spirit has spoken to my heart over the years during times of prayer, worship and just everyday living. These words inspired faith in my heart about many topics, including dealing with people, receiving from God and acting on wisdom.

I believe the following four utterances, along with Scriptural references and prayer starters, will stir faith in your heart and give you some wisdom for the daily battle. I hope they encourage you as much as they did me. If you need more encouragement, join my Mornings With the Holy Spirit Prayer calls Monday through Friday at 6 AM EST.

1. Don't allow people to distract you. Evaluate your life. When you take time to reflect on your relationships, it becomes easy to see who is supporting you and who is distracting you from Father's will. Know this: The enemy of your soul is on assignment to hinder your destiny. He often works through people—sometimes even people you like. The enemy uses people you don't know as well as people who are close to you to pull your attention away from Our will. Love the people. They don't know the enemy is using them. But don't be deceived. Stay focused on what Father has called you to do.

SCRIPTURE: John 10:10; Ephesians 5:2; James 1:22

PRAYER: Help me stay focused on You and Your will for my life and not on what people think I should do. Please give me discernment to recognize when the enemy is using the voices of people around me to distract me from Your true direction.

2. Set your mind and heart on Jesus. Always remember this: You are in the world but not of the world. Set your mind and your heart on Jesus, and He will refresh your soul. Don't look to the right or to the left because that's where the enemy lies in wait. Look for Jesus along the narrow way. Wait on Jesus. Trust in Jesus. Father gave you the dreams, visions and desires of your heart, and He will bring them to pass in His way, in His time and in His season. Don't give up now. The enemy is no match for the one who loves Jesus. Take hold of My heart afresh. I won't let you down.

SCRIPTURE: John 17:16-26; Hebrews 12:2; Psalm 37:4

PRAYER: Give me laser-like focus on Your will so that I will not be moved by the distractions that come from the world and from the enemy of my soul. Teach me to trust You and Your timing for the good things You have planned for me.

3. Ask Me for the wisdom to set boundaries. People will push you to the point of absolute exhaustion if you let them. They don't mean to, and you don't have to let them. Some people always want more, more, more and more, and they don't realize you don't have more to give unless you tell them. You need to give out only what We give you to share. If you don't set boundaries in your life, you will become stressed out and worn out and will eventually burn out. But seclude yourself in My presence, and you will find refreshing and restoration for your weary soul. I have the wisdom you need to set the proper boundaries in your life. Just ask Me.

SCRIPTURE: Luke 5:15-16; Matthew 5:37; Matthew 11:28

PRAYER: My heart is to help people, but I sometimes wear myself out by not asking You first. Remind me to acknowledge You before making a commitment so I don't burn out and end up resenting the people I have a heart to help. Teach me to say no graciously. With the Holy Spirit, which releases this month and from which this article was adapted.

4. Don't doubt! Doubt is the doorway to unbelief. Doubt is a cousin of fear and suspicion, and it blocks discernment. The enemy wants you to walk in the curse of doubt. He wants you to worry day and night. But Jesus came to redeem you from the curse. Father has given you the measure of faith that opens the doorway to His promises. Resist doubt as you would resist the devil, and let your faith rise as you meditate on the blessings I've promised you.

SCRIPTURE: Galatians 3:13; Romans 12:3; Joshua 1:8

PRAYER: Show me when doubt is trying to enter my soul. Give me a discerning spirit so I can recognize the enemy's attempts to muddy my faith with his lies. I submit myself to You. Give me the strength to resist the devil so that he will flee.

Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale and author of several books, including Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft, and The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating Jezebel. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.

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