4 Supernatural Realities about Your New Life in Christ

4 Supernatural Realities about Your New Life in Christ

The instant you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, the Bibles affirms you underwent a supernatural metamorphosis, which transformed you from your old self into a new person in Christ (see 2 Cor. 5:17). This process, known as “regeneration,” provided you an eternity in God’s presence, but it also offers you exciting and powerful new ways to live today.

Here are four of the supernatural changes that can have a profound effect on your everyday life.

1) You live in a new world.

You spiritually reside in God’s presence, which is governed by His power and the laws of the supernatural. Here all things are possible!

As a new person in Christ, you were “rescued from the power of darkness and transferred … into the kingdom of [Jesus]” (Col. 1:13). Notice that this verse doesn’t say that we are transferred into heaven, but that we are transferred into the kingdom. This is significant and makes all the difference in how you live your life here and now.

Jesus revealed that the kingdom is here (see Lk. 17:21). And throughout the New Testament, kingdom is equated with the powerful presence of God. As a new person in Christ, you spiritually reside in God’s presence, which is governed by His power and the laws of the supernatural. Here all things are possible! Through even a simple prayer, you can invade the natural world with the supernatural power of the kingdom to open blind eyes and deaf ears, heal the sick and cast out demons. Here, you can also believe to walk in divine health and favor. Though you physically reside in this world, the kingdom and all its power are just as real and are here for you to access and enjoy right now.

2) You have new senses.

The truths of God’s Word serve as a “true north” when feelings point in every other direction.

With your new birth, you were given two new guides to which your physical feelings take a back seat. The first is God’s Holy Spirit, who serves as helper and advocate (Jn. 16:13). The Spirit will nudge and speak to you in ways that don’t make sense to your senses. He’ll wake you up in the middle of the night to pray. He’ll ask you to give your hard-earned money to a cause. He’ll convict you to make adjustments in your life that are sometimes uncomfortable and uneasy. In whatever ways He leads, the Spirit’s goal is never to harm you or hold you back. But because He knows the future, He guides you into the best decisions to help you fulfill your God-given destiny.

The second guide is God’s Word, which is useful to teach, correct and prepare us in this new life (see 2 Tim. 3:16–17). The truths of God’s Word serve as a “true north” when feelings point in every other direction. In my life, there have been countless times when the sights and sounds of a certain situation filled me with near paralyzing fear. In these moments, I had the opportunity to give in to this sense of fear and quit or to trust God’s Word and press on. I can’t claim to be perfect in this, but I have learned that when I trust God’s Word, I am always glad I did. Coupled with the leadership of the Holy Spirit, God’s Word as your guide never leads you in a wrong direction, but always steers you toward your destiny.

3) You have a new way to think.

The mind of Christ in you will give you dreams that are way too big for you to concoct yourself, but yet compel you to pursue them.

People of the world gain wisdom through experience and by observing the world. Think about many of the self-help books on the shelves—they are filled with the wisdom of doctors, counselors and teachers who derived their knowledge from observation. This isn’t all bad, but the Bible promises that the new person in Christ thinks differently and has access to greater wisdom because he or she now has “the mind of Christ” (see 1 Cor. 2:16).

Possessing the mind of Christ gives you two major benefits. First, Christ’s mind isn’t restrained by logic and reason. For example, the mind of Christ in you will give you dreams that are way too big for you to concoct yourself, but yet compel you to pursue them. Secondly, the mind of Christ also means that you have an advantage over anyone in the world because you have insight from the Creator who knows all things. God knows the best business plan. He knows the best cure. He knows the best decision for the best outcome. When I am stuck on a problem, feel confused or am forgetful, I often activate this truth by declaring, “I have the mind of Christ.” It never takes long before I stand amazed at the answers and solutions God never fails to provide. As a new person in Christ, you can—and should—do the same.
The mind of Christ also means that you have an advantage over anyone in the world because you have insight from the Creator who knows all things.

4) You have a new way to talk.

Conform your mouth to God’s Word and declare, “I believe God will turn this into something good!”

Perhaps one of the greatest outcomes of being a new person is that you also have a new way to talk. Gone should be the days when your speech reflects the difficulties of your circumstances or the ups and downs of your feelings. Rather, Paul instructs that Christians are to speak as believers (2 Cor. 4:13). In other words, your mouth is to reflect the height of your faith.

Speaking in faith doesn’t mean that you ignore reality. It simply means that instead of using your mouth to prophesy doom to that reality, you use your mouth to speak life to it. Rather than react to bad news by confessing Murphy’s law—“Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong”—conform your mouth to God’s Word and declare, “I believe God will turn this into something good!”

What If I Don’t Feel New?

Though we are instantly regenerated with the nature of God, all the fruits of the new creation don’t mature all at once.

If you don’t “feel” all the qualities of this new life, don’t fret. Though we are instantly regenerated with the nature of God, all the fruits of the new creation don’t mature all at once. But rather, the Bible instructs that they are brought from the inside out by “the renewing of your mind” (Rom. 12:2).

As I stress in my book, Activating the Power of God’s Word: 16 Strategic Declarations to Transform Your Life (from which this article is based), you must always remember that God’s Word is more real than what you feel. The reality is that God says you are brand new. Therefore, you must renew your mind to think and speak like it, and overtime you will begin to live like it.

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