5 Things A Man Needs Before A Woman

5 Things A Man Needs Before A Woman

Nowadays, people tend to enter in a relationship without a purpose. Often times they enter because of what they feel is right especially when they’re madly in love. However, did you know that there are things you need to consider before entering into a relationship? Regardless of your emotions at the peak of being in love, you should think first before making your final decision. This video from the late Dr Myles Munroe shares five things a man needs before a woman.

1. A man needs to be in the Presence of God

When God made the first man, He put him in His presence. The first thing God gave man was His Presence. The first thing God gave Adam was not a woman, but His presence. The most important thing a man needs is the presence of God. And a woman should meet you in the Presence of God. Do not drag anyone from outside God’s Presence.

2. A man needs a job before he gets a woman

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” (Genesis 2:15)

God gave man work before woman. That priority is clear. As a man, he is the pillar of the family. It is a man’s duty to provide for his family.

3. A man needs to know how to cultivate

A man needs to know how to bring out the best and maximize the potential of everything around him. To make everything fruitful, God only said that to the male. God will never give a male a finished woman. The male was created by God to create what He wants. A man’s job is to cultivate his wife to be a better woman just like how Jesus cultivates His Church. Jesus is a real man for His love to His wife – the Church.

“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.”(Ephesians 5:25)

4. A man needs to be a protector of everything under his care

God gave man a stronger bone frame and a bigger muscle mass. The reason is not to abuse a woman but to protect a woman.

5. A man needs to persistently keep God’s Word

God told Adam to never touch the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. His job is to teach his wife to be faithful to God.

Watch the video below to hear the full sermon.

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