50 Prayer Points for Deliverance from Familiar Spirits

50 Prayer Points for Deliverance from Familiar Spirits

Familiar spirits are demon powers that counterfeit the Holy Spirit’s operation in your life. They are called familiar spirits because they are familiar with you, and or others in your family. They set out to wreak havoc on your life. Heavenly Father, I come before You seeking deliverance from familiar spirits that may be operating in my life. Read my article on Deliverance from Familiar Spirits here.

I renounce and reject any familiar spirits that have influenced my thoughts or actions.

I ask for Your protection and for the power of the Holy Spirit to break any connection with familiar spirits.

In the name of Jesus, I command all familiar spirits to loose me, leave my presence and have no more influence over my life.

Lord, reveal any open doors or areas in my life where familiar spirits may have entered, and give me the wisdom to close them.

Father, I pray for Your divine protection over my mind. shielding me from all forms of deception.

I plead the blood of Jesus over my life and family, breaking the power of familiar spirits that seek to torment or mislead us.

In the name of Jesus, I bind and cast out any familiar spirits that are trying to manipulate or control me.

Lord, replace any lies or false beliefs sown by familiar spirits with the truth of Your Word.

I break any generational curses or patterns of behavior that familiar spirits have reinforced in my family line.

Father, cleanse my mind from any influence or residue of familiar spirits, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit.

I declare freedom from any emotional or psychological distress caused by familiar spirits in the name of Jesus.

Lord, I ask for discernment to recognize and resist the influence of familiar spirits in my life.

In the mighty name of Jesus, I command all familiar spirits to leave my home and my environment.

I reject and renounce any counterfeit spiritual experiences or revelations that have come from familiar spirits.

Father, strengthen my faith and help me renew my mind so I can stand firm against any spiritual deception.

I pray for a fresh infilling of Your Spirit, replacing any negative influence from familiar spirits with Your peace and truth.

Lord, help me to maintain vigilance and watchfulness against the tactics of familiar spirits.

I ask for Your guidance in understanding and applying Your Word to overcome the influence of familiar spirits.

In Jesus’ name, I break any agreements or covenants made with familiar spirits, knowingly or unknowingly.

I pray for healing from any emotional wounds or scars inflicted by the presence of familiar spirits.

Father, surround me with Your angels and divine protection to guard against the intrusion of familiar spirits.

I rebuke and cast out any familiar spirits that may be affecting my dreams or subconscious mind.

Lord, I ask for Your intervention in breaking any spiritual strongholds established by familiar spirits.

I pray for restoration and renewal in any areas of my life affected by the influence of familiar spirits.

Father, grant me a deeper relationship with You, that I may be fortified against the schemes of familiar spirits.

I ask for the discernment to distinguish between Your voice and the deception of familiar spirits.

In Jesus’ name, I command all familiar spirits to cease their activities and leave my life permanently.

I pray for wisdom and understanding in addressing any spiritual issues related to familiar spirits.

Lord, show me if I need to cleanse my home of any negative or deceptive influences and fill it with Your presence.

I reject any false identities or roles imposed upon me by familiar spirits, affirming my true identity in Christ.

Father, thank You for empowering me to walk in Your truth and resist the allure of familiar spirits.

I cast down all oppressive thoughts and reject behaviors that have been influenced by familiar spirits.

In the name of Jesus, I break any spiritual ties or connections with familiar spirits that are hindering my spiritual growth.

Lord, provide me with support and accountability in overcoming any influence of familiar spirits.

I pray for a fresh anointing of Your Spirit to fill me with boldness and strength against familiar spirits.

Father, cleanse my heart from any fear or doubt instilled by familiar spirits, replacing it with Your perfect love.

I ask for Your help in breaking any cycles of sin or dysfunction perpetuated by familiar spirits.

In Jesus’ name, I command any familiar spirits to leave my loved ones and family, bringing freedom and peace to our home.

Lord, help me to build and maintain a strong spiritual foundation that is resilient to the attacks of familiar spirits.

I pray for the transformation of my mind and heart through the power of Your Word, protecting me from familiar spirits.

Father, reveal any hidden areas in my life where familiar spirits might be operating, and grant me the strength to confront them.

In the name of Jesus, I break any chains or bondages placed upon me by familiar spirits, claiming my freedom.

Lord, renew my mind and restore my soul from the damage inflicted by familiar spirits.

I pray for divine intervention in any spiritual battles against familiar spirits, trusting in Your victory.

Father, fortify my spiritual defenses and grant me the grace to live a life fully surrendered to You.

In Jesus’ name, I dismantle any strongholds established by familiar spirits in my life and declare victory over them.

I ask for Your help in cultivating a deeper intimacy with You, which will shield me from the deceptions of familiar spirits.

Pray with me:

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