
50 Prayer Points for the Legal Battles and Court Cases You Face

50 Prayer Points for the Legal Battles and Court Cases You Face

If you are facing legal battles and court cases, remember, God is the just judge. We need to pray.

Here are 50 aggressive prayer points:

I declare that no weapon formed against me in this legal battle shall prosper, in Jesus’ name (Isaiah 54:17).

I bind every lying tongue that has risen against me in judgment, and I condemn it by the power of the blood of Jesus.

Father, arise as my advocate in the courtroom of heaven and on earth, and fight against those who fight against me (Psalm 35:1).

I command every false accusation against me to be exposed and dismantled, in the name of Jesus.

I declare that truth shall prevail over every lie spoken against me in this legal battle, in Jesus’ name.

Lord, frustrate the devices of the wicked that seek to pervert justice in my case (Job 5:12).

By the authority of Jesus Christ, I overthrow every demonic agenda working through the legal system to bring me harm.

I release confusion into the camp of my enemies, and I decree their strategies will backfire, in Jesus’ name.

Father, send Your angelic hosts to surround the courtroom and ensure righteous judgment in my favor.

I break the power of every word curse spoken against my legal victory, in the name of Jesus.

I declare that no lawyer, judge, or official will be able to withstand the wisdom and power of God on my behalf (Luke 21:15).

I silence every voice of opposition trying to bring false testimony against me, in the name of Jesus.

Lord, turn the hearts of the judge, jury, and legal authorities in my favor, as You turned the heart of King Cyrus (Proverbs 21:1).

I decree supernatural favor over my legal case, and I declare that the outcome will be in my favor, in Jesus’ name.

I declare divine intervention in my case, and I release the judgments of heaven over every injustice, in Jesus’ name.

Every legal stronghold of the enemy in my life is broken now by the blood of Jesus.

I command every hidden agenda of the enemy to be exposed and brought to light in this legal battle.

Father, vindicate me in the courts of heaven and release Your justice on the earth on my behalf.

I come against every spirit of delay, and I declare that my case will not be delayed any longer, in the name of Jesus.

I break the power of manipulation and corruption within the legal system that seeks to hinder my victory, in Jesus’ name.

Lord, release Your righteousness like the dawn and Your justice like the noonday sun in my legal battle (Psalm 37:6).

I bind every demonic entity assigned to manipulate the outcome of this case, and I declare their plans null and void.

Father, let Your truth prevail and bring every falsehood to naught, in the name of Jesus.

I cancel every legal trap the enemy has set for me, and I decree it will not stand, in Jesus’ name.

Lord, reveal hidden evidence and bring forth every truth that has been suppressed in this case.

I declare that every evil plot to steal, kill, or destroy my destiny through this legal battle is dismantled now, in Jesus’ name.

I speak divine protection over my legal team, and I declare that they will operate in wisdom, integrity, and favor.

Every assignment of witchcraft working against my legal victory is broken by the blood of Jesus.

I declare that I will not be intimidated or manipulated by any legal authority, for the Lord is my defender.

Father, I ask for supernatural acceleration in this case, and I declare that delay will not hinder my victory.

I command every legal hindrance to be uprooted and cast into the fire, in Jesus’ name.

Lord, send confusion into the camp of the enemy and cause their plans to fall apart in this legal matter.

I declare that the truth of God will shine brightly in the courtroom, and every lie will be exposed, in Jesus’ name.

I speak destruction to every demonic counsel against me in this case, and I declare that their words will be turned to foolishness.

Father, let the fear of the Lord rest upon every judge and official involved in my case, that they may act righteously.

I decree that the legal system will work in my favor and that injustice will not prevail over me, in Jesus’ name.

Every legal curse placed upon me is broken by the blood of Jesus, and I declare my freedom from every accusation.

Lord, release Your wisdom upon me and my legal team to discern and dismantle every false argument.

I cancel every demonic decree spoken over my legal case, and I declare the will of God shall stand.

Father, release divine strategies from heaven to secure my victory in this court case, in Jesus’ name.

I decree that no legal document or contract will be manipulated against me, and I declare righteousness in every detail.

I speak peace over my heart and mind, and I reject every spirit of fear or intimidation in this legal battle.

Lord, bring swift justice in my case, and let the adversary be put to shame, in Jesus’ name.

I declare that no false witness shall stand against me, and every lie will be refuted in Jesus’ name.

I loose the angels of God to go before me and prepare the way for my vindication in this legal battle.

I declare that the blood of Jesus speaks a better word over my case, and I am victorious in the courts of heaven and earth.

I command every chain of legal bondage to be broken now, and I declare my freedom, in Jesus’ name.

I decree that the judgments of the wicked against me shall not stand, and I am vindicated by the Lord.

Father, I ask You to rule in my favor, just as You delivered Daniel from the mouths of the lions (Daniel 6:22).

I declare that this legal battle is won in the name of Jesus, and I give You the glory for my vindication.

Get equipped to pray in my School of Prayer at www.schoolofthespirit.tv.

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