7 Characteristics of a Christian Assassin | God is Going to Unmask the Masked Assassins

7 Characteristics of a Christian Assassin | God is Going to Unmask the Masked Assassins

A spirit of assassination on on the loose. A spirit of assassination is akin to a murdering spirit, but it’s got a surprise element. Keep in mind, where there are assassinations there are almost always conspiracies. God is going to unmask the masked assassins, but it demands teaching. In this video, Jennifer shares seven characteristics of a Christian assassin complete with Scripture.

You can find Jennifer’s ministry online at https://jenniferleclaire.org. You can get equipped to receive vindication from the spirit of assassination in Jennifer’s mentoring program at http://www.schoolofthespirit.tv. You can join the Ignite prophetic network at http:/www.ignitenow.org.

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