A New Era Has Begun For the Lord’s True Remnant Part 1

A New Era Has Begun For the Lord’s True Remnant Part 1

You will be stamped with His presence and His purpose on a different dimension in this season.

By Amanda Shiflett

For the true remnant of the Lord; for those who have been through the storm; for those who have felt shaken to the core in this last year, and even in this last season – the Lord would say to you in this new year:

“I am stabilizing you in the season ahead. The enemy has come and attempted to throw you off balance, to unstabilize you, but I have sustained you, and I AM bringing a stabilizing to those things around you that have felt chaotic and crazy.

The enemy has sent storm after storm to destabilize you in this past season, and at times you felt that your stance was shaky and you were not able to stand firm with assurance…but in his onslaught, he failed to realize that I AM your firm foundation, and I AM The Rock on which you stand, and I will not be moved! He has sent the rain, the floods, the winds…and although you felt blown about at times, although you felt as if you might lose your footing, you closed your eyes tight and held tight to Me! You cried out to Me, and I gave you the strength and fortitude to stand, even when it felt as if the ground beneath your feet was shaking.

You have wondered at times, why I would allow your ship to go through such a storm, why I would not quiet the storm around you, but that was not My plan. There are times I speak to the storm, and there are times I require you to speak to the storm…and then there are times that I simply give you the strength to ride out the storm. There are times I give you the strength to brace yourself against the storm that is raging around you, and stand firm!

I have built your faith in this last season…your faith to stand as the chaos and confusion swirls around you, and to know that as long as I AM in the boat with you, it cannot go down! I have been teaching you not to trust those things around you that can fail, but to trust in Your God that cannot fail. I have been teaching you to trust, that even if the ship goes down, you serve a God that walks on water…and even as My servant Peter was able to walk on the water as long as He kept his focus on Me, so you will be able to, as long as you keep your gaze locked on Me. Then you will not be capsized by the wind and waves that fiercely try to pull you under!

I am the firm Foundation, and I am stabilizing you in Me in this new season! Yet even this last season has been a test in your ability to stand while everything attempted to bring you down. The enemy has been hard at work to keep you from seeing yourself in this new time that you have now stepped into. He has fought hard to make it seem as if nothing has changed, as if everything will remain the same, and there is no reason to have hope and expectation of the change that is at hand. I say, do not listen to his lies, do not fall victim to his deception. I say, everything has changed!

For I say, you have not just entered into a new season, but you have entered into a new era…and although many things may seem the same, and it may seem as if not much has changed around you, I tell you that I am working behind the scenes for you in more ways than you know! I AM setting many things up that even the enemy has not anticipated. It will look the same, and then everything will change. There will be suddenlies and more suddenlies in your life in this year, even in the next 2 years…that will blow you away!

For I am setting you up in the next 2 years, to come more into your purpose and destiny than ever before. You, My remnant, have been hidden away long enough, but I am now preparing you for your presentation…it is time for many of you to be presented!
There are some who are not quite ready for your presentation yet, but I will be taking you through an intense preparation process in these next 2 years, to prepare you for this. This is necessary for the season ahead. Do not fight what I am doing…it is time for you to come into the full healing and freedom that I have paid for!

As you have seen in this last year, so the next 2 years will truly be an intense season of exposure of many things. Yes, there are many whose season of grace has ended, and what they have refused to turn from, will be exposed for all to see. What has been done in darkness, will be brought to the light. This will not only be one here, and one there, but entire organizations, entire groups, yes even entire churches and ministries, will go through an exposing process. It will not be easy, but the purging must happen, and purification will come!

Although much of the exposure will not be desired, because it will expose the iniquity and sin in many areas, this will also be the hour of My exposure for many of My remnant. This will be an exposure that has been a long time coming! As it was with My servant David, so it will be with you, My remnant who are ready! I will bring you into your hour of exposing, where who you are will be exposed for the world to see! You have been prepared in the wilderness for this moment, and I will take My horn of oil, and pour it upon Your head, in the midst of all Your brethren. This is why the last season of your preparation has been so intense. You have been in the wilderness with Me, as you were being trained for this hour of your presentation. You have been trained in war, trained in endurance, trained in trust, trained to worship in My Presence, and trained in your ability to hear Me and obey. Now…you will be exposed as the true remnant that I have trained you to be. The hour of your exposing is at hand!

Many have claimed to be My remnant, many have called themselves My remnant…but I have not called them this, and they have not allowed Me to take them through the process to be My remnant. They have not taken the road less traveled that I required them to walk in this past season, but instead they took an easier path. Out of My mercy & longsuffering, they will be given another opportunity to take the right path within this next season.

For those who are truly My remnant, who have walked that harder road that I required…the hour of your visitation will come upon you soon, and I will draw you unto Myself in this next season, in ways you have never known. You will be stamped with My presence and My purpose on a different dimension in this season. You will be drawn away with Me on a new level, and I will reveal Myself to you in new ways. During these times with Me, I will brand You as My beloved, and You will be branded with the Fire of My Holy Presence! You will take My Holiness, My Presence with you wherever you go, and many will come to know Me because they will experience My Holy Presence on you. Even as it was with My disciples and apostles of old, many will know that You have been with Me, because they will sense My rubbing on You.

My remnant, you have fought well, you have stood well, you have believed well, you have endured well. I have called you by name, and you are Mine! Stand and know that I AM with you, I AM stabilizing you, and I AM calling you forth into this new era, to be all I have called you to be in Me!”

“I will bring the one –third through the fire, Will refine them as silver is refined, And test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, And I will answer them. I will say, ‘This is My people’; And each one will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’ ” ~Zechariah 13:9

“For the seed shall be prosperous, the vine shall give its fruit, the ground shall give her increase, And the heavens shall give their dew— I will cause the remnant of this people To possess all these.” ~Zechariah 8:12

Amanda Shiflett is a heralding voice of truth, holiness, and purity within the prophetic, and calls others to stand in a place of no compromise in their callings. She longs to see reformation come to the prophetic movement, as well as the other parts of the 5-fold within the body of Christ.


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