A New Era with a Tsunami Wave of Revival – From Sea to Shining Sea!

A New Era with a Tsunami Wave of Revival – From Sea to Shining Sea!

A New Era of Voice and Vision

As we posture ourselves at the doorway of the Hebrew New Year of 5780, we can learn a lot from its numerical value. In the most prophetic sort of way, between the year 5780 is sandwiched the number 78.This relates to the Hebrew letter Ayin, which carries the numerical value of 70, while the letter Pey carries the numerical value of 80. Our Ayin (meaning eye) and Pey (meaning mouth) give us a glimpse of the future as we leap into a new era of “Voice and Vision” (5780/2020)!

When Jehoshaphat proclaimed his confidence in the prophets of God in 2 Chronicles 20:20, he first began by lifting his eyes towards God, then proceeded by raising his voice in praise, shifting the atmosphere from one of battle to one of defeating his enemies in victory.

Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah and Jerusalem used their sight and sound to collect the spoils of war upon hearing the Word of the Lord through the prophetic utterance of Jahaziel (2 Chronicles 20:14-17). The link between Jehoshaphat’s gaze and the verbal declaration of his prophetic prayer and praise brought about an abundance of blessing in the wilderness of Tekoa.

Not only did God establish a prophetic culture to usher Jehoshaphat into the manifestation of His promised breakthrough, but the Spirit of God became manifest in a land without pasture, and the prophetic word poured out blessings uncontainable to those who believed what God had promised!

In 2 Chronicles 20:30 Scripture says, “Then the realm of Jehoshaphat was quiet, for his God gave him rest all around.”

The prophetic word opens a gateway for us to step through as royalty in the Kingdom of God. The ‘realm’ Jehoshaphat was anointed to steward afforded him jurisdiction and license for the advancement of the Kingdom, both as a king and a priest who believed in the prophetic utterance for his day and age. One word by the mouth of a prophet shed light on Jehoshaphat’s path to fulfill his mandate from Heaven and usher the people of God into their God-ordained destiny.

The “noach” of God, or the “rest” of God, welcomed Jehoshaphat into a new season and brought completion to the war threatening the territory the people of Judah were camped in.

Our Sight (Ayin) and Sound (Pey) in 5780/2020 are the keys for apprehending victory in this new era and decade. The numbers 7 and 8 linked together prophetically as 78, standing in unison with one another. This welcomes an era where the fullness of God’s plans are ushering us into a two-fold blessing of restitution, redemption, and the restoration process through the Word of the Lord by the mouth of His prophets.

Not only are we in a prophetic era of receiving new vision for releasing the heart of God over every situation we face, but our voice and vision carries the weight of glory to transform our culture for such a time as this!

A posture of rest is our portion as we ‘reset’ at the crossover of 5780! The washing away of old ways is making room for new beginnings, to redeem what the locust has devoured and eaten in seasons past.

A New Sound to Set the Captives Free

Where we are called to be salt and light upon the earth, a shift is taking place, where the purification process has graced our speech with a greater wisdom and a purer prophetic flow. There’s a new sound arising for setting the captives free.

The God is delivering His magnum opus for this new era through the mouths of His prophets. What’s been out of reach is coming front and center. What’s been delayed in manifestation is gaining clarity of vision in the kairos seasons of God. The wilderness is turning into reservoirs of glory (Isaiah 44:4). And the prayers of the saints are awakening the sleeping from their slumber for an end-time harvest of souls (Revelation 8:3-4).

Get ready to rock and roll as we cross over into the new year of 2020! God will not relent in fulfilling the words He has spoken to His servants the prophets!

“Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7)

A Tsunami Wave and an Arrow for the Nation

In May of this year, I had a dream of a tsunami wave spreading from the state of Florida, all the way across the nation to the state of California. In my dream, I found myself running with a tsunami wave that originated in South Central Florida.

As I ran with this particular tsunami wave that was gaining and picking up speed, I began cheering others on to run, and the wave swelled and flowed through streets, cities, and neighborhoods, until it reached the West Coast; specifically the state of California.

At one point in my dream, I watched the flow of this tsunami wave move through the doorway of specific houses, while the people within the houses attempted to fit themselves inside containers conducive to their size and liking.

When I stepped over the threshold of one of the houses in the direct path of this magnificent tsunami wave, I heard myself speak out loudly in the spirit, “There’ll be no containing what God is about to do through this move of His Spirit!”

When I began to ask the Holy Spirit about this dream and what He was doing at this time throughout the earth, I was taken into a vision. In the vision, I watched an arrow shoot straight across the United States and directly into the heart of California.

“Then the LORD will appear over them, and His arrow will go forth like lightning; and the Lord GOD will blow the trumpet, and will march in the storm winds of the south.” (Zechariah 9:14)

But before watching this arrow soar across the sky and through the belly of our nation, I first watched the state of Florida being outlined as a prophetic marker for the end time harvest. Florida was chosen as a launching pad for this particular move of the Spirit. Florida carried the supernatural ingredients for releasing the glory of God in innumerable measures. I also sensed God had chosen the least likely candidates to manifest His blessings.

While I stood with a posture of peering into the spirit realm through this captivating vision, my eyes were fixed on the westward sky as the arrow of the Lord went forth like lightning. It was then that I witnessed the tip of the arrow impact the ground in California. When the tip of the arrow hit the hardened and barren places of the land, a ripple effect, caused by the arrowhead hitting its designated target, created a tsunami wave of outpouring and revival.

As my attention was drawn to the source of this arrow, making its way to California, the sky opened up and dropped a lifeline over the Midwest of our nation. It was then that the hand of God appeared, driving a stake into the ground in the Midwest. As I watched this stake sink deep into the fertile soil of our land, a map of the Midwest appeared as a designated hub for facilitating a fresh move of the Spirit.

“Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left, and your descendants will inherit the nations, and make the desolate cities inhabited.” (Isaiah 54:2-3)

Then the Holy Spirit showed me a picture of the Hebrew letter Pey, and how “Pey” in Hebrew is equal to the number 80. The number 80 is a pictograph of a mouth which is linked and connected to the Word of God through His voice and for prayer.

Dream and Vision Interpretation

When I searched a little deeper to discover how the letter Pey was relevant to what Holy Spirit was uncovering, I learned that “Pey” in its script form is a combination of 2 other Hebrew letters. One of those letters is the letter “Kaf,” meaning a container for the soul. And the other one is the letter “Yod,” (or an inverted “Vav”) meaning “hand,” (as in hand of God) or the inverted Vav means “to join” or “a bringing together,” and looks like a tent peg or a stake in the ground!

The Spirit of God has His eye on the new decade of 5780/2020! Another mighty outpouring of the Spirit is brewing strategically over our nation! The Spirit of God is stirring the waters from one coast to the other for ushering in healing and spiritual awakening across the land. A tsunami wave of revival is on the precipice of breaking forth, bringing a convergence between the Bible Belt of South Central Florida, the prophetic prayer movement from the Midwest, and through a reviving of the heart of Los Angeles, California.

The authentic Word of God is being shot forth like an arrow to turn the hearts of the fathers back to their children and to turn the hearts of the children back to their fathers. A lifeline has been extended from sea to shining sea from the heart of God for the delivering of a nation.

Just like the Spirit of God promised restoration to the land of Israel in Isaiah chapter 54, an innovative and distinctive sound is breaking forth from the bowels of our nation for expanding the tent posts of revival (Isaiah 54:1-4)!

The heartbeat of America is in position for a second chance at stewarding an end time harvest of souls. The apostolic and prophetic movement are getting a fresh wind beneath their sails. A joining of tribes, people groups, languages, and tongues to build a Kingdom which cannot be shaken (Revelation 7:9) is on the heart of God in this new era!

A connecting of the dots is unfolding in the spirit. A scroll is unrolling with the blueprint for the plans of God written clearly upon it. The Word of God is merging with the sound of Heaven to make history across the earth. Nothing will contain what God intends to accomplish!

Where the soul of man gets in the way of the Spirit of God moving freely in houses of worship, the touch of God will awaken the sleeping from their slumber through a fresh baptism of Holy Ghost and fire.

No More Delay!

The Pey of God (the mouth or breath of God) is releasing a new decree at this hour: “No more delay!” From the southern tip of Florida to the state of California, God is ready to move through a tsunami wave of His Spirit. The arrow of God is piercing through the works of evil and darkness! The “Winds of God” are expanding our reach with the pledge of restoration. The Spirit of revival has His eye on a new harvest of souls! Watch God highlight Florida and the West Coast in the days ahead.

The crossover to a new decade is saying, “We’re ready and willing to participate in what the Spirit of the Lord has in store!”

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:18-19)

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