A Prophetic Word for Those Struggling to Finish

A Prophetic Word for Those Struggling to Finish

Before I knew the Lord, I did a lot of things half-way—or almost all the way. In other words, I started a lot of things that I didn’t finish. I gave up when I got disinterested or when things got too hard.

Once I met Jesus, I got a determined heart. I was determined to finish anything He told me to start. I wanted to be like my Father, who is faithful to finish the good work He completes in us (see Phil. 1:6).

It’s not always easy—in fact, it’s not usually easy—to finish what you start. That’s because there’s plenty of opposition, combined with natural fatigue and naysayers.

On a recent Mornings with the Holy Spirit broadcast, I had a vision. In the vision, I saw people who tend to give up halfway through what they start. They fainted in the day of adversity (see Prov. 24:10). Every time something seems too difficult, every time there’s opposition, they just throw their hands up and give up. Then I prophesied these words:

“That way and that tendency in you must die. You must grab onto My way because My way is a way of persistence, and My way is a way of finishing. Just as My son hung on that cross and said, ‘It is finished,’ you, too, will walk through this season and finish things that you started in past seasons and never completed.

“For this is the season of your crossing over. And this is the time for you to accept responsibility for the half-baked and half-finished projects that you started with enthusiasm but never completed. And I will bring to you increase and you will see and know that there is value in what I’ve told you to put your hand to.”

This is good news. God sees what we didn’t finish and He wants to help us. He wants to give us an enduring heart. He wants to lead us and guide us to the finish line so we can taste the victory—and taste and see how good He is. Determine in your heart today that you will not just be a starter but a finisher and watch what God does.

Solomon, the wisest of all men, wrote these words in Ecclesiastes 7:8, “The end of a thing is better than its beginning.” It can be exciting to start a thing, but think of the joy and increase that comes with the finishing.

Let me pray for you: Father, in the name of Jesus, help Your people finish everything You’ve called them to start. Give them a steadfast heart, an unshakeable soul and a persevering spirit.

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