Get ready for vast synergistic efforts that will bear fruit for decades to come.
By Ben Lim
Divine Season of Synergy
We are in a massive season of synergy! Things are coming together. There are fresh relationships and alignments that are concurring. There is a fresh wind in new regions and partnerships. I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying:
“Many of you endured some of your hardest trials of shifting in and out of some old paradigms, partnerships, and places in this last season! But now,” says the Lord, “you are about to shift into a suddenly season where the Spirit of the Lord will connect you with so many different types of streams and like-minded teams of people. It is a season of divine synergy! It’s almost like you’ve known them forever, but you are just meeting them in the natural. This is a divine thing of the Holy Spirit,” says the Lord. “Divine appointments and divine alignments are coming together quickly!”
The Holy Spirit is partnering up teams of people because of the great and grand work that is ahead of us. The Lord is partnering His people up together for a greater movement of signs, wonders and miracles. The Holy Spirit is looking for the right people to partner with.
Pure Synergy of Streams
There is a spirit of unity and union that is coming upon the Church in this day. God had to break some things up so that there would be a new and genuine move. He had to break some things off so that new life would be produced. There is a greater river that is coming together from different streams and flowing as one. Look for these new synergistic streams to converge with. Look for these new, fresh ministries and ministers – people and places that you’ve never connected with before! The Lord is combining the efforts of houses and is merging things strategically in this season. “Much more will be produced,” says the Lord.
Get ready for vast synergistic efforts that will bear fruit for the decades to come. It was only when Ruth met her Boaz that things shifted. It was only when Esther met her king that the kingdom overturned. It was only when David met his Samuel that he was launched into his kingship.
There are pure streams of synergy that are coming together. Nothing false and nothing impure will be in these streams. It will purely be love for God and for His Kingdom. The Holy Spirit is extracting the pure in this season. “Do not weep nor mourn about the ones you have lost,” says the Lord, “for I am bringing people to you who will fully believe in you and be with you,” says the Lord! “You are stepping into a divine season of synergy!”
There is a synergistic effort of streams coming together. The streams are coming together to help create something beautiful. This combined effort will be one-of-a-kind. This combined effort will multiply into a multi-faceted masterpiece that the world has never seen before. God is converging His Body together and we are entering into days of divine synergy.
Get ready to meet new people. Get ready to meet new contacts. The Lord is sending you new angels to shift you into a season of acceleration.
The Angel of Shift
Recently, there was a very strong angelic visitation at our home church, “His Way Life” in Los Angeles, California. When I had discerned the visitation and name of this angel, the whole congregation went wild! Literally, the people who were near this angel began shaking and manifesting like I’ve never seen before. Our time of worship just blew to a whole new dimension of glory. The Lord began speaking to me, saying that this Angel of Shift had shown up to help shift and assist the Body – to go up to the next level of ministry!
This angel is here to help shift you into the next season of your life. One day you were poor, but now you are rich. One day you were weak, but now you are strong. One day you were rejected, but now you are celebrated. The Holy Spirit is sending His angels and His people to help shift you into the next season of your life. This is what the spirit of synergy does! It shifts you forward!
The Shifting of Gears
You know you are stepping into a shift when you feel things accelerate and/or even decelerate. A shift requires a changing of guard and a changing of gears. The Lord is about to change the gears on your vehicle. The Lord is about to change the gears on your ministry. The Lord is shifting you into the next gear of your life. Get ready for a new gear shift!
Divine synergistic relationships typically signify that you are coming into a a true divine appointment. You don’t have to strive for it, it just happens! You don’t need to make it happen, for it was already predestined!
When you step into a shift, it is because you have aligned yourself with the right people. When you come into right alignment, you will come into divine acceleration. You are about to shift your gears to the highest of levels!
The Sifting Before the Shifting
However, before you come into a shifting, you will come into a “sifting”. Many of you have been feeling a “sifting” in the spirit. It is because the Lord is sifting out the old and He is sifting in the new. He is sifting out the wheat from the tares and the goats from the sheeps. The Lord came before Peter and said, “Simon, Simon, satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers” (Luke 22:31-32).
The Lord is going to strengthen you after the sifting. There is a strengthening after the process of sifting. This typically is the case with any kind of testing. The Holy Spirit is going to use you dramatically after you become sifted in Jesus’ name! The Lord is sifting out the people of old mindsets and negative wineskins. The Lord is sifting out the bad fruit from the good. The Lord is sifting out the tainted because He is about to shift you into a whole new dimension of glory!
So if you’ve been getting “sifted” in this season, do not worry! Just like flour, when it is sifted it becomes softer in form, the Lord is softening you and your heart. The Lord is softening you as He sifts you, inside and out. The Lord is softening out the rough edges and He is making you like the Lamb of God; soft and tender in heart and in action. The Lord is restoring His meekness back to the Church. This meekness is what we must be clothed with, in midst of the power and in midst of the glory. This meekness is what will keep us in midst of all of the shifting!
The Master’s Keys
There are new keys to regions that the Lord is giving you. Keys signify that there is complete access to people, places, and resources that you did not have access to before. The Lord is releasing new keys to you in this hour. You will have access to all that God has for you. You will have access to new realms of resources. You will have access to new places and things that you didn’t have access to before.
The Lord is molding you and has molded you to be an infallible key. You will be the key that has access to every room. You will be the key that has access to places that nobody else has. You have divine access because these keys give you divine access. You are the Master’s key.
You are the key to someone else’s problems. You are the key to someone else’s solution. You are the key that will unlock the mysteries of God’s glory from within. You are the code-breaker, the safe-keeper, the Rubik’s Cube and the calculator. You are the hard-drive with all of God’s answers! I hear the Lord saying, “I AM entrusting My people with greater access today. I AM entrusting My people with a greater authority to access wisdom and knowledge, more than ever before. You will be and have the key to find solutions that nobody else can. You are the key!”
Expect divine solutions, creative ideas and inventions to unlock new resources of input and output in Jesus’ name! You are stepping into a divine season of shift.
Ben Lim is a dynamic Millennial leader, who currently serves as the senior pastor of His Way Life, in Koreatown, Los Angeles. He is the director of Open Heaven Cry, a missions and revival network, and is a highly sought out international speaker. He is the CEO of Ben Lim TV and is the author of the book Men of Valor. He loves to live life in the fullness as a son of the Most High.
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