The Spirit of the Lord is calling His Bride to draw near, in this eighth month, like never before. Eight is the number of new beginnings and the Spirit of the Lord is inviting His Bride into a new day where she is filled and being filled with the wonder and awe of His amazing love and redemption.
There are some mandates the Lord is issuing:
• It’s time for all other voices to be silenced.
• It’s time to enter into a new level of intimacy.
• It’s time for the Bride to develop dove’s eyes.
• It’s time to recognize Christ as our true treasure.
A Vision of the Bride On Trial
During a worship service, the Spirit of the Lord took me up into a vision. He brought me into the humiliating public trial of the woman caught in adultery (John 8:3-11).
I saw critics, accusers, backbiters, nosy busy-bodies, the religious and skeptics all standing around this woman, who was guilty as charged. The religious leaders made her stand in the center of the court for her judgment. They asked Jesus, “What is Your sentence?” They had already decided she should be stoned under the Law of Moses.
Just like the Pharisees and scribes of that day, many in the world today have passed judgment against the Bride. “No need for Church anymore,” they say. The Church is guilty of so many sins: silence, complacency, lethargy, greed, and hypocrisy. The list goes on and on. God’s Bride is now standing in the center of court awaiting the verdict on her relevance because of her past failures. However, much like the Pharisees, and how they did not understand the new grace and the new day of Christ, neither do the critics of today. Jesus still loves His Bride. In fact, Jesus still loves you! He is not ashamed to step up for His Church. Though you may be guilty, He still wants you! In this new day of redemption and grace, Christ is wiping your slate clean and inviting you to draw near to Him.
Jesus Has Silenced Your Accusers!
Many have wondered what Jesus was writing that day. We suppose He was writing a list of all the sins the crowd and the critics were guilty of committing. Each saw their own life’s unfaithfulness. The ground Christ was truly writing on was the ground of their hearts. Their hearts were so filled with guilt, they could no longer stand against the woman.
Accusations are hurling against the Bride. Charges have been levied against the Church. The Church is on trial before the world and the religious, traditional communities of commentators and critics. Unfortunately, she is guilty of numerous acts of unfaithfulness to the Bridegroom. Have your affections been directed towards other lovers: money, fame, fortune, houses, cars, careers, fashion and pleasures?
Despite it all, Love rises up in the midst of our accusers and lowers Himself to write on the ground of destiny. As Christ writes, the accusers of the brethren keep on hurling condemning questions and accusations. Don’t worry, the writing will be over soon…
Where Are Your Accusers?
From the oldest to the youngest, the court began to leave until she was finally alone with Jesus. Every accusation was silenced. “Woman, where are your accusers?” He asked. In His presence, the accusations and condemnations of life are silenced. In His presence, we are free to ask, free to legislate and free to receive from the Father. Jesus the High Priest has canceled every accusation lodged against His Bride. Jesus speaks on your behalf through His Blood. His blood testifies of the Bride’s righteousness.
Colossians 2:14, “Having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of legal demands [which were in force] against us and which were hostile to us, and this certificate He has set aside and completely removed by nailing it to the Cross.”
You are totally set free from the demands of the law! You are free to begin again. You now have a clean slate and have entered into a new day. A new beginning is waiting for you in Christ Jesus!
As the woman caught in adultery, we must get alone with Him to hear Him pronounce our freedom. Our new day begins in His presence, a place of intimacy. His Bride must draw close in order for the court case to cease. This intimacy brings her to a place of acquittal.
This formerly adulterous woman didn’t walk away valuing the crowds or her former lovers. She valued Christ. She had found the pearl of great price.
Weapons will come and weapons will be forged or created against us. However, our inheritance is the righteousness of Christ. He is the true treasure. His voice and His Blood silences the accuser, disarms and nullifies the weapons formed against us. Tongues of judgment are rising against the Church, but our heritage, our priceless treasure, is Christ Jesus, the Bridegroom (Isaiah 54:17).
Give Us Dove’s Eyes
It’s time to return to the One who first loved us. Ask the Lord to anoint you with dove’s eyes. Song of Solomon 5:12, “His eyes are like doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk, and fitly set.”
Doves mate for life. There is a great love and devotion between them. Their eyes are on each other to the exclusion of all else. Today, if you have been distracted, return to the Bridegroom. He is inviting you to come! Set your eyes upon Him and your heart to seek Him.
When the Bride’s focus returns to the Bridegroom, she is drawn to Him in His chamber. It is in His chamber that she receives cleansing and acquittal from sin and shame. It is there that she is empowered to legislate and decree, “His Kingdom come!”