A Wave of Travail Will Usher in the Greatest Move of God

A Wave of Travail Will Usher in the Greatest Move of God

For the last year or so, the Lord has been speaking to me about the fear of the Lord being restored to the Church, which has led me to believe the fear of the Lord will be and is being restored to the Church in this new era.

Recently I heard the Lord say, “A WAVE OF TRAVAIL is about to crash into the Church.” The Lord then showed me that this wave of travail is going to prepare the way for the fear of the Lord to be restored back to the Church.

The travail is already being felt in the Body of Christ, but it is going to significantly increase as this wave crashes in.

The Place of Deep Repentance

As I continued to press into the Lord, I saw this wave paving the way and I heard the Lord say, “My people are going to weep over sin again, which will usher in the greatest move of holiness we have ever seen.”

When the Lord spoke this, I got the strong sense that this ‘weeping’ over sin was not a place of condemnation, nor was it a place of not living in the revelation of our identity in Christ—our righteousness before Him. It was the place of the birthing of “no toleration of sin.” It was the place of consecration, the place of purity being birthed in the Church. It was the place of DEEP REPENTANCE.

A wave of deep repentance, greater than we have ever experienced as the Body of Christ, is about to come upon us.

I then heard the Lord say, “The wave of repentance must come before the wave of revival.”

“In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” (Romans 8:26)

“Being in anguish, He (Jesus) prayed more earnestly, and His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.” (Luke 22:44 emphasis mine)

“My children, of whom I travail again until that Christ shall have been formed in you, I was wishing indeed to be present with you presently and to change my tone, because I am perplexed as to you.” (Galatians 4:19-20)

The Greatest Shift We Have Ever Seen

This wave of travail will move mountains and bring forth the greatest shift by the Spirit of God that we have ever seen. This deep place of intercession and repentance is going to not only transform the Body of Christ, bringing rapid deliverance and realignment, but it is going to impact cities and nations as well.

This wave is reconnecting many people with the heart of God. It will bring about an even greater shaking so that EVERYTHING which can be shaken, will be shaken. The fire of holiness will BURN BRIGHT in the Church again. The wave of travail and repentance will see the place of “playing games with the Lord” stopped in many ways, and it will be a significant invitation to RETURN to our first love, JESUS!

“But I have this against you, that you have left your first love.” (Revelation 2:4)

There will be a line drawn in the sand by the hand of Lord again. The invitation requires your whole life, everything!

The Purifying Fire of the Lord

The purifying fire of the Lord is going to move intensely in the travail that will take place. The Lord showed me that in this deep wave of travail there will be an even deeper purging and purification. There will be great ‘dross’ that will come to the surface. There will be weeping and groaning to bring forth a cleansing, a maturing, and a purification of the Body.

There will be a greater alignment in intimacy with the Lord, a purity in relationship with Him to know Him DEEPLY, to know His heart—not for “the sake of being in ministry” or what we can get from the Lord, but for the sake of KNOWING HIM and knowing His heart.

The idol of ministry will come down.

The Lord showed me that in the travail, “man will be removed from the throne.” This will happen in the places where there has been self-promotion and where there has been idolatry, among many other things, to prepare the Body of Christ to carry what He is going to release—to move in power in the name of Jesus like never before, and to move in purity, integrity, maturity and character.

The Lord kept repeating to me over and over again, “This wave of travail must take place to prepare My people for the greatest move of My Spirit that has ever been seen.”

The Lord showed me that through the crashing in of the wave of travail, there will come a fire to lead the Body of Christ into greater humility and obedience. The Holy Spirit is going to awaken the Body of Christ to this place of humility and wholehearted obedience to Him.

This wave will suddenly crash into meetings, and there will be deep weeping and groaning as the Spirit of God moves and does His work to bring shift, change, deliverance, healing and a greater consecration to Him.

“Then Joshua said to the people, ‘Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you.'” (Joshua 3:5)


I heard the Lord say, “In this wave of travail, I am going to the foundations.” Immediately I saw the Word of God before me and the Lord spoke again, “BACK TO THE WORD! BACK TO TRUTH!”

There will be a returning back to the Word of God and biblical truth and taking the Lord at His Word and it will penetrate deeply in the hearts of God’s people. There won’t be a watering down of the Word, or picking and choosing the Word, but a deep conviction will take place as the Word of God is boldly preached and released to mature the saints.

The Lord is going to the foundations in hearts and in teachings to bring forth a significant realignment of truth through the Word of God. In this new era, we will see the Holy Spirit convict and discipline people in increased ways, for the GOOD of His children. He is a good Father, He is a loving Father, and He convicts and disciplines His children for their good and for their growth.

There is an apathetic “familiarity” for the Lord and His Word that has crept into the Church and the Lord is dealing with it to bring us to a greater place of life, partnership with Him, and maturity.

“The Lord corrects the people He loves and disciplines those He calls His own.” (Hebrews 12:6)

The Burden of His Heart

Prophets and intercessors, the burden of His heart is going to increase in this wave of travail.

Continue to flow with Him as you will receive new scrolls of revelation for what He is about to do on the earth. If you flow with Him you will move deeper into Jeremiah 33:3, and you will experience some of the greatest shifts you have ever seen in the Church and the earth.

You are a part of this. Don’t run from the travail. Don’t run from the words He is giving you; birth them with Him in the secret place. He is taking you behind the veil in ways you have never experienced. The revelation of what a privilege it is to partner with Him and carry His heart will increase in you more and more. It will strengthen you, refresh you and fortify you in Him like never before.

The Lord is looking for friends who will carry His heart no matter the cost, who will speak the truth in love and not bow to the fear of man. He is looking for those who will move with Him and in Him in obedience to what He is doing and saying in the earth, without watering things down or compromising.

City on a Hill

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.” (Matthew 5:14)

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.” (Isaiah 60:1)

The greatest move of God is upon us in this new era. God is going to demonstrate His power and glory in ways we have never seen before. His majesty is going to be revealed. The earth will shake and tremble with His power, His majesty, His goodness, and His love. The earth will resound with the name of Jesus being proclaimed, and the Good News of the Gospel will see the greatest harvest come in.

The fear of the Lord came upon me strongly as I heard Him say, “The Church is not ready, yet. Sound the alarm to ‘make yourself ready’ through your yielding to Me, My Spirit and My way. I will make My people ready!”

People of God, it’s time that we cry out to the Holy Spirit and invite Him to reveal to us whatever needs to be done or dealt with to make us ready for what He is going to do in this new era. It is not about “getting everything right,” it’s about a heart position; it’s about obedience and surrender to His way, His process and His Spirit. The key to this is inviting the Holy Spirit to do whatever He needs to do to make us ready and not ignore His voice, His conviction or His process.

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.” (Habakkuk 2:14)

The wave of travail is coming! Let us welcome it, let us welcome Him, to prepare us for the greatest move of the Spirit of God we have ever seen.

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