Absalom Spirit Arising

Absalom Spirit Arising

Leaders be alert and pray.

By Claire Revealed

I heard the Lord say watch out for Absalom spirit. Its arising, its would take many, if the church does not pray. What I see is, Absalom would come from outside as an apostle or prophet etc. with enticing words and false prophesies and gain the attention and hearts of your people. This will cause divided attention and divided loyalty, which would lead to strife and division and scatter the church or ministry. Intercessors must stand on the wall and pray.

Leaders, pray for your sons and daughters less they fall prey to this evil spirit. In this season, one of the biggest battles the churches and leaders would face or have to fight against, is the Absalom spirit. Its rising up in young leaders in particular as well desperate for position and recognition. Many young up coming leaders are being promoted in this season and the enemy thats waiting to take over them is the Absalom spirit. Armor bearer will be enticed and seduced by this spirit.

Many will fall at the way side because of this spirit right after promotion, causing spiritual abortion. Leaders be alert and pray. Young minister be careful with your heart and desires in this season. The enemy is at the gate to lure you and destroy you. Guard your heart and watch your eyes. Keep your heart and eyes pure, and from that which does not belong to you. Wait patiently upon the Lord. Do not covet, do not be proud. Watch out for Absalom, be very prayerful.

Claire Revealed is an apostle, voice of prophecy, a prophetic intercessor, a life coach, mentor and a woman after God’s heart, called to inspire, help and empower men and women to discover their identity in Christ and take their purpose in life. Based in Holland, she heads Claire Revealed Ministries and Zion International Intercessory Ministries. As founder of Prayer Warriors Arise and ‘The Gathering of the Intercessors Movement’, she brings together intercessors in the body of Christ from all nations to pray and intercede the heart of the Father in praise and prophetic worship.

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