Aggressive Prayers to Protect Donald Trump from All Harm

Aggressive Prayers to Protect Donald Trump from All Harm

Former president Donald Trump was nearly killed on Friday night at a rally in Pennsylvania. One photographer captured the image of the bullet flying toward his head. Clearly, this was divine protection. I congratulate intercessors all over the world who stood in the gap for Trump, his family and the nation of America.

It’s not time to stop praying now. Will you pray with us? Awakening Prayer Hubs is looking for 1,000 intercessors to raise up as prayer leaders in the nations of the earth. Let’s pray:

Divine Fire Shield: O God, surround Donald Trump with a wall of fire, burning up every evil force aiming to harm him. (Zechariah 2:5)

Warrior Angels: Lord, release Your warrior angels to encamp around Donald Trump and fight his battles day and night. (Psalm 34:7)

Holy Ghost Thunder: By the thunder of the Holy Ghost, scatter every demonic plot against Donald Trump. (Psalm 18:13-14)

Blood of Jesus Covering: We cover Donald Trump with the blood of Jesus, rendering every demonic attack powerless. (Revelation 12:11)

Holy Fire Protection: Father, let Your holy fire consume any agent of darkness sent against Donald Trump. (Hebrews 12:29)

Divine Arrow: O Lord, shoot Your divine arrows at every enemy targeting Donald Trump’s life. (Psalm 7:13)

Power of God: Let the power of God break every chain of assassination plots against Donald Trump. (Acts 16:26)

Supernatural Barrier: We decree an impenetrable barrier around Donald Trump, blocking every attack from the enemy. (Job 1:10)

Voice of Thunder: O God, thunder from heaven and scatter every conspiracy against Donald Trump. (2 Samuel 22:14-15)

Confusion to Enemies: Father, bring confusion into the camp of the enemy plotting against Donald Trump. (Psalm 35:4)

Divine Bomb: Lord, release Your divine bombs to destroy every secret plan against Donald Trump. (Jeremiah 50:25)

Holy Spirit Ambush: Set a divine ambush against every assassin aiming for Donald Trump. (2 Chronicles 20:22)

Paralyze Evil Plans: By Your mighty hand, paralyze every evil plan against Donald Trump. (Isaiah 45:1)

Destroy Weapons: Lord, destroy every weapon fashioned against Donald Trump. (Isaiah 54:17)

Heavenly Reinforcements: O Lord, send heavenly reinforcements to protect Donald Trump at all times. (2 Kings 6:17)

Crush the Enemy: Crush every enemy under Donald Trump’s feet, O Lord. (Romans 16:20)

Spiritual Barricade: We erect a spiritual barricade around Donald Trump, blocking every evil entry point. (Psalm 91:2)

God’s Hammer: Use Your hammer, O God, to shatter every demonic plot against Donald Trump. (Jeremiah 23:29)

Divine Smite: Smite every adversary of Donald Trump with Your divine power, O Lord. (Psalm 68:1)

Divine Surveillance: Place Donald Trump under divine surveillance, watching over him day and night. (Psalm 121:3)

Bloodline Protection: Draw a bloodline around Donald Trump that no evil can cross. (Exodus 12:13)

Spiritual Bomb: Drop spiritual bombs on every meeting place of those plotting against Donald Trump. (Psalm 11:6)

Holy Ghost Fire: Release Holy Ghost fire to consume every agent of darkness targeting Donald Trump. (Acts 2:3)

Break Curses: By the power in the name of Jesus, break every curse spoken against Donald Trump. (Numbers 23:23)

Divine Exposé: Expose and disgrace every secret enemy of Donald Trump and America. (Job 12:22)

Confound Adversaries: Lord, confound and confuse the adversaries of Donald Trump. (Nehemiah 4:15)

Annihilate Plots: Annihilate every evil plot against Donald Trump by Your mighty power. (Isaiah 29:15-16)

Heavenly Shield: Lord, be a heavenly shield around Donald Trump, protecting him from all sides. (Psalm 3:3)

Divine Intervention: Intervene divinely in every situation where Donald Trump’s life is threatened. (Exodus 14:14)

Fire from Heaven: Send fire from heaven to consume every altar set up against Donald Trump. (1 Kings 18:38)

Bind the Strongman: Bind every strongman assigned to attack Donald Trump, in the name of Jesus. (Matthew 12:29)

Holy Spirit Firewall: Surround Donald Trump with a firewall of the Holy Spirit, burning up every attacker. (Hebrews 12:29)

Power of Resurrection: Let the power of the resurrection protect and preserve Donald Trump’s life. (Philippians 3:10)

Heavenly Snipers: Deploy heavenly snipers to target and take down every enemy of Donald Trump. (Psalm 144:1)

Divine Barricade: Erect a divine barricade around Donald Trump that no enemy can penetrate. (Psalm 125:2)

Judgment on the Wicked: Let Your judgment fall upon every demon plotting against Donald Trump. (Psalm 94:23)

Destroy Evil Networks: Destroy every evil network conspiring against Donald Trump. (Psalm 37:15)

Divine Covering: Cover Donald Trump with Your divine presence, O Lord, keeping him safe. (Psalm 91:1)

Seize the Attackers: Lord, seize every spiritual and physical attacker targeting Donald Trump. (Job 5:12)

Crush Evil Plans: Crush every evil plan against Donald Trump under Your mighty feet. (Romans 16:20)

Divine Ambush: Ambush and scatter every enemy ambush set for Donald Trump. (Joshua 8:14-16)

Holy Ghost Explosion: Cause a Holy Ghost explosion to destroy every evil plot against Donald Trump. (Jeremiah 20:11)

Divine Defense: Be Donald Trump’s divine defense against all adversaries. (Psalm 62:6)

Confuse the Wicked: Confuse the plans of the wicked against Donald Trump, O Lord. (Psalm 35:26)

Angel Protection: Assign powerful angels to guard Donald Trump day and night. (Psalm 91:11)

Consume with Fire: Consume with fire every demonic spirit assigned to harm Donald Trump. (Hebrews 12:29)

Divine Thunderstorm: Release a divine thunderstorm to scatter every enemy of Donald Trump. (1 Samuel 2:10)

Unveil Hidden Enemies: Unveil and disgrace every hidden enemy of Donald Trump. (Luke 12:2)

Spiritual Cover: Lord, cover Donald Trump with Your divine presence, keeping him safe from harm. (Psalm 32:7)

Victory Shout: We declare victory over every plot against Donald Trump in the mighty name of Jesus! (1 Corinthians 15:57)

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