American Idol Judge Luke Bryan Opens Up About His Faith

American Idol Judge Luke Bryan Opens Up About His Faith

Luke Bryan – A judge on American Idol and ACMA winner, is well-known for his Christian faith.

Singer of “Country Girl” and “All My Friends Say”interviewed with ABC Nightline (video below) and spoke about many family tragedies over the last 20 years and how he and his wife have navigated through it all.

Luke Bryan told about his brother passing away over 20 years ago – right before he moved to Nashville TN. It happened to be a pivotal moment in his career and he began wavering over whether he should leave home and continue pursuing his mucal passions.

However, in 2007 his sister Kelly passed away and just a few years later in 2014 his brother-in-law, Ben Lee Cheshire, who was married to Kelly, unexpectedly died as well. Leaving three children behind, Luke and his wife Caroline decided to take in their two daughters and one son who, by that point, suffered the loss of both parents within seven years.

“We never thought twice about it,” Caroline said about taking the kids to join their family of four. “You know, it was never something that he and I had to sit down and talk about — should we take this on? We just did it.”

They also spoke about God in saying, “I’ve watched my family go through ebbs and flows where we get mad at God and we get mad at why this has happened,” Bryan told. “Well, you keep going and you try to, try to be as positive as you can, and you try to appreciate every day. You’ll never get back to 100 percent. You’ll always be working to get back to 75 percent.”

When all is said and done, Luke Bryan and his family and their generosity and high value for family inspire so many people. Unflinching in the face of tragedy, the Bryan family exudes love and light. A light that brings hope into many people’s lives.

So we bless Luke Bryan and the light that he is!

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