Are the Pro-Life Prayer Bowls Ready to Tip Over?

Are the Pro-Life Prayer Bowls Ready to Tip Over?

By now you’ve heard about the leaked draft opinion from the Supreme Court indicating it could overturn Roe v. Wade. The question I have is, how and why was it leaked?

With the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg on Sept. 18, 2020, I prophesied we were at a tipping point in the pro-life movement. I decreed by the Spirit of God that it’s time for hinge intercessors to rise up and push for political victories that increase God’s government, according to Isaiah 9:7.

But are we about to see what many would call a miracle reversal of the pro-abortion law? Or is this a ploy of the enemy to give us false hope that he can later dash and use to discourage us?

This is Jennifer LeClaire, and this is Praying the News. On today’s broadcast, we’ll looked at the leaked draft opinion, get some reactions and I’ll share some prophetic insight of my own. Listen here for more.

The Supreme Court has voted to strike down the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, according to an initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito circulated inside the court and obtained by POLITICO. You can find a link to the full 98-page opinion in the show notes.

Now, the White House is scrambling for ways to protect abortion, according to The Washington Post. President Biden said he would be ready when any ruling is issued.

NPR is reporting advocates, including Amnesty International’s secretary-general Agnes Callamard, would damage the global perception of the United States” and “set a terrible example that other governments and anti-rights groups could seize upon around the world in a bid to deny the rights of women, girls and other people who can become pregnant.”

But is a ruling imminent? Or is this a false flag?

Listen into what Lou Engle, a pro-life intercessory prayer veteran, has to say.

Lou is standing boldly. I agree that the document was leaked to cause a stir and rally anti-life protestors. But is a ruling imminent? Or is this a false flag?

As I wrote in September 2020, the United States is at a tipping point in not only her history but world history and I believe the bowls of prayer answers could tip over  Decade of the Decree—if we respond rightly. The enemy is nervous because he knows we’re on the brink of taking back some spiritual land the has stolen little by little over nearly a century.

Turning point intercessors are positioning themselves at the crossroads of history, standing in the gap and positioning a person, place or nation for godly change. Although you may make many types of intercession over your life, turning point intercessors are alert and activated for a key moment to make the right petition at a critical moment. God is activating turning point intercessors now with an anointing and a grace to press through to victory.

Let’s not stop praying now. Get the prayer point here.


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