Assassination Prophesy Continues Manifesting—This Time in Iraq

Assassination Prophesy Continues Manifesting—This Time in Iraq

Iraq’s Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi survived an assassination attempt with an armed drone that targeted his residence early Sunday, and is unharmed, according to an Associated Press report.

The statement released by state-run media said security forces were “taking the necessary measures in connection with this failed attempt.”

This is the latest in a string of assassination attempts.

In April 2021, the Lord told me we are going to see mysterious deaths or attempted assassinations, kidnapping and other events like we see in the movies. Within the next three years, a major figure in politics will see an untimely death and suspicion will surround it—unless we can stand in the gap and push it back. I shared this at the mid-year prophetic update. You can watch the clip here.

We saw this prophecy manifest and we need to lift our shields higher. President Jovenel Moise was just assassinated. Colombia’s president Iván Duque’s helicopter came under fire in late June—a direct attack on his presidential aircraft. The president said the “cowardly” attack would not make him stop fighting drug trafficking, terrorism and organized crime.

As I mentioned previously, we’ll see more violence in America and other nations surrounding elections. We need to pray and shut down activities some outlets are reporting in August. What we saw at the U.S. Capitol is January was a foreshadowing of how the enemy wants to stir up violence. Again, we need to pray. I believe we can bind the attacks if we stay on the wall.

In this hour, we need governmental intercessors not political intercessors. We have to lay down our biases and political preferences and pray without ceasing over the governments in our nations. The government of the earth really take place in the prayer room. God has given us authority to rule and reign with him as kings on this earth.

Learn more about governmental intercession here.

Awakening Prayer Hubs is focusing intensely on praying for missionaries and the success of their mission this month. You can join us by launching a hub, joining a hub, or sponsoring a hub at

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