
Beware the Rise of ‘Nostradamus Prophets’ Seeking Attention

Beware the Rise of ‘Nostradamus Prophets’ Seeking Attention

In this hour, the body of Christ is facing an onslaught of voices claiming to speak on behalf of God. Social media platforms are flooded with so-called “prophecies” that sound more like clickbait headlines than Holy Spirit revelation.

The enemy has found a foothold in this frenzy of false predictions, leading many believers astray with words designed to incite fear, curiosity, or fascination. But let me be clear: God’s true prophets don’t deliver shallow predictions that stir the masses—they deliver strategic, timely words that bring clarity, direction, and solutions to the people of God.

The rise of “Nostradamus prophets”—those who seem more concerned with going viral than with speaking the true word of the Lord—is nothing new. The spirit of divination has long masqueraded as prophecy, offering counterfeit insights that appear spiritual but lack the breath of God. The enemy knows how to manipulate people’s desire for the supernatural, and we see this playing out now as these “prophets” use divination or must manufacture false prophecies to garner attention and followers. They may speak words that tickle the ear, but their fruit reveals their true source.

(Check out my prophetic training at www.schoolofthespirit.tv.)

Divination Disguised as Prophecy

Let’s be clear: not every word labeled “prophetic” comes from the Holy Spirit. There is a sharp distinction between the prophetic voice of God and the voice of divination or soulish prophecy. While true prophets of God seek the Father’s heart, these modern-day “Nostradamus prophets” are often motivated by the desire to gain a platform, build a following, or spark controversy. Their words are crafted to draw attention rather than to release heaven’s strategy.

You’ve probably seen their predictions—vague, fearmongering messages that offer no solution, no strategy, and no hope. These messages seem to pop up right before an election cycle or a major world event, as if they’re riding the waves of the news cycle for maximum exposure. That’s not how God’s true prophets operate. Genuine prophetic words bring edification, encouragement, and exhortation (1 Corinthians 14:3). They point the way to Jesus, not to themselves.

True Prophetic Voices Carry Heaven’s Strategy

When I say I want to hear from God’s true mouthpieces, I mean I want to hear what heaven is saying for this moment in time. I want strategic words that cut through the noise and reveal the mind of Christ for our situations. In times of turmoil, crisis, and uncertainty, the church needs clarity, not chaos. We don’t need empty predictions about what “might” happen—we need prophetic words that prepare us for what is happening and how to navigate it.

True prophets are positioned as watchmen on the wall, interceding, warning, and instructing the people of God with precision. They are not chasing trends or headlines but are rooted in the heart of God, releasing words that align with His will and His Word. These are the voices we need to be listening to in this season—the prophets who have been tried and tested, those who aren’t afraid to speak unpopular truths when necessary.

Check out my book, Discerning Prophetic Witchcraft.

Reject the Counterfeit, Seek the True

The Bible tells us that in the last days, false prophets will arise and deceive many (Matthew 24:11). This is the enemy’s tactic—flood the church with so many voices that it becomes hard to distinguish between the true and the false. But Jesus said His sheep know His voice (John 10:27). If we are rooted in the Word of God and walking closely with Him, we will be able to discern the difference.

I’m calling the body of Christ to reject the counterfeit and seek the true. We don’t need Nostradamus-style predictions that cater to the flesh; we need prophetic words that align with the Spirit of God. We need prophets who hear from heaven's throneroom, not the just earth's newsroom. We need words that sharpen us for battle, not soften us with sensationalism. The hour is late, and we can’t afford to be distracted by the noise.

Let’s press in for the true prophetic voice of the Lord in this hour. Let’s seek strategic words that align with His purpose for our lives, our churches, and our nations. And let’s refuse to settle for anything less than heaven’s best.

Are you listening to the right voices? It’s time to tune out the noise and tune into the true word of the Lord.

Check out my prophetic training at www.schoolofthespirit.tv.

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