Bill Lackie Prophesies Into Vision of Prodigals Coming Home

Bill Lackie Prophesies Into Vision of Prodigals Coming Home

Prophetic revelation is the essence of this word of the Lord. I have also added interpretation and demonstration in my list of subjects that I believe are on God’s heart for the year 2019. You can use these keys to pray and establish your path. You can also use these keys to align more accurately with what is on God’s heart which will bring Kingdom favor.

Scripture is clear that there is a time and season for all that God does. Divine alignment with God’s timetable releases power, generational impact and multiplied grace through God’s agreement with what you are doing.

Various areas of clarity have come as I sought the Lord over the last 3 months for revelation for 2019. I believe this style of communication will give you a “rubber meets the road” approach to understanding God’s purposes for 2019.

Bless you as you embark on your adventure of hearing God and walking your destiny path. I first communicate the revelation. Then, I communicate the interpretation of the revelation. Then, I show you how this revelation impacts and underscores your life. Next, I list areas of application that give you pointers to implement what is on God’s heart. Finally, principles of perseverance and timing pull the revelation down from the heavenlies and make your understanding practical and real today.

Vision of a Large Group of Prodigals Coming Home

While seeking the Lord, I was overwhelmed with a significant vision. In the spirit, I was looking at the horizon of a broad land between many mountains, and I began to see thousands of people walking forward from every land. On their faces was joy, exuberant joy. They walked quickly as they entered the land. They were shouting as they walked, “We are free! We are free indeed. The Lord has saved us and washed away our past. We are free!”

These people were prodigals who had been lost in the trespasses of sin.The Lord is causing a mighty exodus of prodigals. It is time to prepare for the prodigals who are coming home. The prayers for these prodigals are coming to an apex. All of Heaven is rejoicing and ushering in the prodigals. Many years of travailing and deep prayer are now bearing fruit. This is the season for them to join back to what they had left prematurely. We are going to kill the calf and have a celebration.

God is Writing “Faithful”

There has been a demonic attack to displace you from your destined, appointed placement. This year, satan has planned a straight on attack to get you out of place. He will use anyone or anything that could cause you to open your heart of doubt. Remember, a person tossed to and fro in their thinking will become unstable in all of their ways.

A resurrection quickening is coming to you to finish strong. 2018 has been a year of pruning, testing and resistance. In 2019, God has planned a powerful quickening of your purpose, dream and destination. Arise and run!

For your faithfulness, specific awards are coming to you from God. Faithfulness is on the forefront of the heart of God. Many of you have passed your test. God is writing “Faithful” on your forehead. Spiritual reward is showing up with breakthrough, opportunity and favor. A gift of supernatural trust is being handed out by God to connect the Body of Christ. God is washing away the result of doubt and unbelief from 2018. He will deposit supernatural faith in your heart to move forward with your destiny.

Let God Heal Your Heart

Where you have become weary in well-doing, the Lord is dispensing grace for you to continue. Weariness is the result of your efforts to establish righteousness. Let Him touch your heart with divine strength from heavenly grace. Yes, nothing is impossible.

Open your heart and give 100%…passion and effort will bring results. The enemy’s strategy is to wound you so that your heart will close. Now is the time to allow the healing of the Lord to heal your heart. The result of your healing will be passion and motivation flooding inside.

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