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Are you stuck in a cycle, endlessly circling the same mountain with no sign of progress? Does it feel like for every step forward, you’re forced to take two steps back? This could be more than just a frustrating coincidence; it could be the work of hindering spirits.
These demons have a singular mission: to thwart your advancement at every turn. Even if you’re diligently immersed in the Word, faithfully tithing, and fervently praying, you may still find yourself stagnant, unable to move forward. That’s the signature of a hindering spirit at work.
The enemy’s tactics are cunning. He’ll whisper lies, convincing you that your lack of progress is your own doing – that it’s due your educational status, your age or the color of your skin. But don’t be deceived. The devil wants to divert your attention away from him, to keep you focused on yourself.
At times, he may even try to convince you that you’ve fallen out of favor with God because of sin. But remember, if you’ve confessed your sins, God is faithful to forgive and cleanse you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. Yet, despite these truths, there are moments when progress feels elusive, when obedience and God’s timing don’t seem to be the issue.
In those moments, it’s critical to discern the root cause. Is it a matter of waiting on the Lord’s timing? Is there disobedience that needs repentance? Or, could it be the unseen hand of a hindering spirit, actively working to drag you backward instead of propelling you forward?
We cannot remain passive in the face of such opposition. Waiting on God’s timing and repenting of disobedience are vital steps, but when it’s evident that a hindering spirit is at play, we must take decisive action.
We must seize authority over these forces that seek to impede our progress and declare our freedom to move forward in the purposes and plans of God. The time for complacency is over. It’s time to break free from the chains of stagnation and press onward with unwavering determination.
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