
I saw a vision during my Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcasts. The Lord showed me people wrapped in cords and those cords said “past.” Holy Spirit revealed many people could not move forward because toxic soul ties and alignments were holding them in the past.

Now, the Bible doesn’t use the phrase “soul tie” but it is a biblical concept we see illustrated in Scripture. Soul ties and alignments can be healthy or toxic, or start out healthy and turn toxic. A soul tie is different from a curse in that you entered into it willingly, in most cases, even if it was unknowingly. There are at least three ways you develop soul ties.

1. A soul tie happens when people’s souls are knit together in close relationships, like in the case of Jonathan and David. 1 Samuel 18:1 reads: “Now when he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.”

2. A soul tie can form during sexual relations when two become one flesh. Ephesians 5:31 tells us, “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” That’s why divorces are so hard. You have soul ties.

3. A soul tie can form when you make vows to or covenants with someone.  Much the same, sharing personal information in confidence with a friend can create a soul tie, as can making a covenant with someone or pledging a vow of loyalty to them. Be careful not to enter into a covenant relationship too quickly.

Breaking Toxic Soul Ties

Often, it’s necessary to rid yourself of things in your possession connected with the one with whom you are breaking an ungodly soul tie. This could mean photographs, gifts, jewelry, clothing items—anything that ties you to that person.

By the same token, if you’ve made any vows under your breath like the ones I described—“I’ll never let anyone hurt me again!”—repent of them right now. Even vows to people like, “I will never leave this church” or “I will love you to the end of time” need to be broken if they are spoken rashly or in the midst of a sinful relationship.

Breaking soul ties is not difficult and it’s similar to breaking a generational curse. It all starts with repentance. If you have committed some manner of sin that led you into a soul tie—usually that would mean sexual sin—renounce repent of the offense to God’s heart and ask for forgiveness. Receive that forgiveness, and then break the soul tie, in the name of Jesus!

1. You need to first renounce the soul tie and any vows you’ve made that were not of God.

2. Next, you need to repent of entering into those soul ties or vows.

3. Forgive any people involved in the soul ties or vows,

4. Forgive yourself.

5. Receive God’s forgiveness.

Do all this out loud. For example, “I renounce this soul tie with _____ in the name of Jesus. I want no part of this ungodly soul tie. I sever it right now and plead the blood of Jesus over my mind and mouth. I repent of the sin that led me into this soul tie. I forgive the ones I have tied myself to, I ask You to forgive them and me, and I forgive myself.”

You can elaborate on this phrase with more descriptors and sincerity, but these are the elements you need to address when breaking soul ties.

Watch this video for a deeper teaching and more prayer. This video has gone viral because it’s helping so many people.

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