This call of intercession will release a double portion effect of freedom.
By Christy Johnston
I had a powerful encounter dream recently that has branded my heart in ways I was not expecting. In the dream, I was standing in a downpour of rain, when suddenly I saw Jesus standing directly in front of me. The interesting thing was He was not simply standing in the rain, He WAS the rain. His beautiful face had formed through the droplets falling in front of me. I sensed such a powerful authority as He then spoke to me very clearly, and with a profound weightiness. He spoke this three times and said, “Christy, they will hear My name in the rain. They will hear My name in the rain. They will hear My name in the rain.”
The Latter Rain
Instinctively, I knew in this dream that He was referring to the nation of Israel, the Jewish people. It was at that very moment that I woke up to the sound of a thunderous downpour of rain falling heavily upon our roof and I began weeping. His presence in this dream had so overwhelmed me as He had pierced my heart with an intense intercession for the nation of Israel. I began crying out for them in the middle of the night. The Holy Spirit then led me to Hosea 6:3 which says:
“Yes, let us know (recognize, be acquainted with, and understand) Him; let us be zealous to know the Lord (to appreciate, give heed to, and cherish Him). His going forth is prepared and certain as the dawn, and He will come to us as the heavy rain, as the latter rain that waters the earth.”
I believe that Jesus is declaring it is a time of rain on the dry hearts of those who don’t yet know Him, including the people of Israel.
Harvest Over Israel
He also led me to Isaiah 55:10-11: “For as the rain and snow come down from the heavens, and return not there again, but water the earth and make it to bring forth and sprout, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater. So shall My Word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void (without producing any effect, useless), but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”
These two Scriptures both point prophetically to harvest. I believe the significance of this dream was speaking of the latter rain – the harvest rain that has been long prophesied. The Holy Spirit is moving in power in these days as the latter rain begins to fall. It’s the rain of the outpouring of His Spirit, whereby the nation of Israel and those who have been lost, will recognize the name of Jesus in the harvest. They will recognize His name as the rain of His Spirit pours forth across the earth over His sons and daughters. They will see His name in us.
As Isaiah 55:10-11 mentions both the rain and the Word, I recognize that the Father is speaking here of Jesus. Jesus is the Word made manifest and He is the “Lord of the Harvest.” He is stirring the hearts of the nation of Israel and those of the lost, and positioning them to reap a harvest of souls like we have never seen before.
Out of Captivity – A New Day for the Nation of Israel
This year marks the 70th year of independence for the nation of Israel. Significantly, the number 70 is prophetic for freedom and the fulfillment of a time or cycle. I believe this remarkable season of time is where the Father is calling out to Israel to experience their TRUE freedom in the revelation of Yeshua. I believe we, as His adopted sons and daughters, are to call their hearts to awaken to His name.
Recently, I have discovered a wealth of testimonial videos where Messianic Jews are sharing their experience of discovering Isaiah 53 and the revelation of Yeshua in this chapter. I feel strongly to call upon the intercession of the Church to pray to awaken the heart of Israel, in their 70th year of freedom, to the revelation of His name and the righteousness of His person. Just as Hosea 6:3 states, I pray they would recognize and hear His name in the rain that pours forth across the earth in this time of increased harvest.
Israel has just entered into a new era where things will begin to accelerate and be fast-tracked. God’s heart for His people is to see them come into the fullness of their destiny as the marker for the nations on the earth. It’s a time that the Father is calling this great nation out of spiritual drought and captivity into TRUE freedom in the revelation of Yeshua as their awaited Messiah and Savior. There is a major awakening that is beginning to emerge where the veil that has kept His people in the dark is being removed and they will encounter Jesus in a powerful way, sending waves of healing and truth throughout the land. It is a new day for the nation of Israel.
A Call of Intercession for Israel and the Lost
I feel to release a call of intercession for Israel. I want to ask you to intercede for Israel with me. As they celebrate the significance of their freedom, I believe the Holy Spirit is releasing a CALL to PRAY for their salvation. A call to pray and CALL THEM HOME! I heard the Holy Spirit speak to my heart, “As you pray for My beloved Israel and call them home, I will rain upon the hearts of your beloved ones and call them home also.”
I believe this call of intercession will release a double portion effect of freedom. Freedom from captivity for not only the sons and daughters of Israel, but for our own sons and daughters as well. It is the showering rain of harvest upon the entire earth as the Holy Spirit covers the earth with the latter rain. Will you pray with me?
Pray for the hearts of Israel to awaken to the truth of Yeshua. Pray for their protection in this time of increased opposition. Pray for them to recognize His name in the rain. Call home the sons and daughters who have walked away from the truth – both of Israel and our own loved ones.
I encourage you to write, “I AM CALLING THEM HOME” as a declaration that you are standing with Israel in prayer. I also ask you to WRITE the names of your own family members who you are calling home as a declaration of their hearts awakening to Jesus. Let’s CALL UPON THE HARVEST RAIN TOGETHER!
Christy Johnston was born and raised in Australia. After living the majority of her life plagued with insecurity and fear, she came to learn the power of her identity in Christ. She now lives with the mandate to breathe fresh hope and life into God’s sons and daughters through her passion of writing, uncovering the truths of living in grace and freedom through our identity in Christ. Nate and Christy have two daughters, Charlotte and Sophie, and currently live on the Gold Coast in Australia.
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