Apr 13, 2018 | 365Prophetic
Interceding is about praying for others or something outside of yourself. By Yolanda C. Perry Are you following us on Facebook?
Apr 12, 2018 | 365Prophetic
True unity does not make you a carbon copy of someone, but it is when we can celebrate and utilize each other’s diverse gifts. By Wayland Henderson As April 9, 2018 marks the anniversary of the Azusa Street Revival of 1906, I cherish the opportunity that we had to...
Apr 12, 2018 | 365Prophetic
Where the enemy has held you captive, you will now render him powerless. By Alane Haynes As I was just waking recently, I heard: “Turn the enemy’s fiery darts into weapons that will boomerang back and destroy his plans. Turn the darts into truth-tipped arrows and...
Apr 12, 2018 | 365Prophetic
In this season the Lord is aligning Finance Seers to ministries and businesses. By Monica Ramey Several months ago I attended a church service that had a wonderful woman of God ministering. Near the end of the service, she started moving prophetically. She gave the...
Apr 12, 2018 | 365Prophetic
You cannot go back to Egypt and expect things to work God’s way. By Jo Ellen Stevens A Warning Dream for the Church I had a dream that I was in a place where people were worshiping. In the dream, the people began asking me to sing a song I used to sing—a song...
Apr 12, 2018 | 365Prophetic
Leaders be alert and pray. By Claire Revealed I heard the Lord say watch out for Absalom spirit. Its arising, its would take many, if the church does not pray. What I see is, Absalom would come from outside as an apostle or prophet etc. with enticing words and false...
Apr 12, 2018 | 365Prophetic
The tide is turning! By Bill Yount A Vision of the Receding Tide I saw the Spirit of the Lord as a great ocean beginning to recede off an enormous shoreline. This was a season in time when “the tide” was beginning to go out. The Body of Christ was standing...
Apr 12, 2018 | 365Prophetic
Adversity is the test for relationships. By Jeremy Gibson Are you following us on Facebook?
Apr 11, 2018 | Prophetic Insight
I meet many people today who tell me they need a word from God. I’ve seen Christians line up in front of prophets, hoping for a quick solution to their problem. I’ve also seen those same Christians stand in line a second time, in front of the same...
Apr 11, 2018 | 365Prophetic
There’s an increase of supernatural grace. By Wanda Alger I woke up from a series of dreams that were incredible. In every one of them, miracles occurred, deliverance happened and gifts of the Spirit were exploding. The thing was, I didn’t do anything...
Apr 11, 2018 | 365Prophetic
Contend for the greater things! By Shawn Bolz Shawn Bolz interviews Sarah Bowling, Marylin Hickey’s, about contending for the greater things and risking with words of knowledge. Are you following us on Facebook?
Apr 11, 2018 | 365Prophetic
Take back your ground today and renounce where you have aligned with the wrong spirit. By Nate Johnston I had a dream last night where I was visiting a ward of people that were all having blood transfusions and then I asked one person what was happening and they said...
Apr 11, 2018 | 365Prophetic
There’s celebration in heaven because sinners are coming to repentance. By Shana Dorsey The Upcoming Outpour-A Bridal Revelation Every-time I listen to “I surrender” by Psalmist Raine. I get caught up in a vision of dancing. The Lord will sometimes...
Apr 11, 2018 | 365Prophetic
There may be a storm going on around you this past while but in the midst of it all the Lord is arranging so many things on your behalf. By Lorilei Cooley The enemy is well aware of what is transpiring and in his last desperate attempts to stop you by bringing...
Apr 11, 2018 | 365Prophetic
God wants to supply you with the abundance of what you need so you can fulfill what He has called you to do. By Christian International Jimmy Kellet shares about 2018. [podbean type=audio-square resource=”episode=frj2y-86ed3e” skin=”1″...
Apr 11, 2018 | 365Prophetic
This is a month to build your relationship with the Lord. By Joe Joe Dawson Are you following us on Facebook?
Apr 11, 2018 | 365Prophetic
A major breaking is being released. By Deland John Coleman For the Lord would say unto thee, the very seal that has held you captive, restricted and restrained is now tearing and shredding! For the Cracking phase has been initiated and the light of my Favor and glory...
Apr 10, 2018 | 365Prophetic
Get ready for a move of God in your life! By Doug Addison April is going to be an exciting month, and you are going to see breakthroughs begin to happen. The Wind of Change is going to blow things into place much more radically than in the past few months. Strategic...
Apr 10, 2018 | 365Prophetic
April is a month of preparation as the winds of change are blowing. By Emily-Rose Lewis Are you following us on...
Apr 10, 2018 | 365Prophetic
There’s a right and wrong spirit in doing this. By Jennifer LeClaire When do you rebuke someone? What about a leader? What about someone who is just in deception? How do you rebuke them? You can find Jennifer’s ministry online at www.jenniferleclaire.org....
Apr 10, 2018 | 365Prophetic
Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers – Get Ready to Disciple the Newborns! By Vince Viozzi As I was seeking the Lord the other day, I could strongly feel the Lord’s heart in this. I sense that He desires to speak concerning an influx of newborn Christians....
Apr 10, 2018 | 365Prophetic
It’s all about knowing Him personally and wanting to please Him. By Steve Porter “You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride; you have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace” (Song of Solomon 4:9). Why do I believe what I...
Apr 10, 2018 | 365Prophetic
The Lord is equipping you with provision from the enemy. By Amie Rogers Heaven has moved and shifted the atmospheres to align the trajectory for our launch, for this time of harvest! As the Lord began to talk to me about this, He highlighted some parallels of us, The...
Apr 10, 2018 | 365Prophetic
Your private time with the Lord is going to unlock supernatural favor and rewards. By Sophia Ruffin Are you following us on Facebook?
Apr 9, 2018 | Prophetic Words
I heard the Lord say, “The season of realignment is upon you, but there is a purpose in the realignment. I am bringing My people into a realignment for a reassignment. “I am re-assigning people in My body–repositioning them for maximum impact. In past seasons,...
Apr 9, 2018 | 365Prophetic
You and I were made for deep intimacy with Christ. By Dawn Hill I have found myself as of late, thinking about the garden of Eden. It seems the closer I draw to Jesus, the more I desire to not only walk with Him in the garden, but I desire to be His garden. I am...
Apr 9, 2018 | 365Prophetic
This kind of grace enabled every believer to walk in signs, wonders, and miracles. By Wanda Alger I woke up from a series of dreams that were incredible. In every one of them, miracles occurred, deliverance happened, and gifts of the Spirit were exploding. The thing...
Apr 9, 2018 | 365Prophetic
You are qualified. By Linda Klingel THIS IS THE YEAR OF THE OPEN DOOR… AND GOD IS READY TO GIVE YOU MORE… BUT… if you’re still concerned about what people think about you, you’re not ready for your next level. Settle it in your spirit...
Apr 9, 2018 | 365Prophetic
Calling forth those to mature the saints. By Elaine Tavolacci The Lord says I am calling the men and the woman who are mature in their faith to teach, nurture and be mentor’s to the younger ones. I am calling those of you who know Me, know My ways and have...Apr 9, 2018 | 365Prophetic
You’re moving into a major glory! By Ben Lim April is a month of major supernatural exploits! You will no longer focus on the minor but you will move into the major. You are moving into a major anointing. You are moving into a major glory. You are moving...
Apr 8, 2018 | 365Prophetic
Angels are handing out keys to redeem time! By Holly Watson Angels and Keys to Redeem Time A few days ago I woke up out of a dream where an angel handed me a key to redeem time. In my dream, I was purchasing an expensive watch for my son with a premium credit card to...
Apr 8, 2018 | 365Prophetic
Manifestation is always preceded by an acceleration. By Dana Jarvis There is a great acceleration filling the atmosphere. Great doors of favor will open, you will meet the right people, walk through the right doors, prosper in your journey. I decree a great...