Satan Fights Dirty: How You Can Be Ready

Satan Fights Dirty: How You Can Be Ready

You have to run over the devil before he runs over you. By James Goll You are standing on a battlefield (perhaps a different one than you were last year at this time). You may be standing in the middle of an army or you may be standing all alone. Are you just going to...
The Power to Gain Wealth and Keys to Redeeming Time Part 1

The Power to Gain Wealth and Keys to Redeeming Time Part 1

This is our year for overflow! By Holly Watson I released a prophetic Word recently to a Body of Believers that I believe pertains to the Body of Christ as a whole. In Deuteronomy 8:18 scripture says, And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives...
Prophetic Update

Prophetic Update

Edification, exhortation, and comfort through the use of modern media production. By WVLR DT 48 Here is this week’s edition of PROPHETIC UPDATE! Each week this group works hard to bring you a relevant word from the Lord! Are you following us on...
The Light of Christ Burning Within You

The Light of Christ Burning Within You

When Christ’s light shines inside of you, then you will always have what you need to overcome this world. By Darren Canning Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” John 1:5 says, “The light shines in the darkness, and the...
The Enemy Is Being Exposed and Truth Is Being Revealed!

The Enemy Is Being Exposed and Truth Is Being Revealed!

The breaker anointing is being released upon the people of God in double portions in this season to bring radical freedom and deliverance. By Lana Vawser The Lord spoke to me recently that He is uncovering the “hiding places” of the enemy. I had a vision...
The Uprooting and Expelling of Kingdoms

The Uprooting and Expelling of Kingdoms

The prophets and apostles are uprooting and tearing down to establish the Kingdom. By Wayland Henderson As I taught last night on understanding the prophet’s role in context of a warring church to uproot, tear down, expel and overthrow kingdoms in order build and...
The Power to Gain Wealth and Keys to Redeeming Time Part 1

The Power to Gain Wealth and Keys to Redeeming Time Part 1

This is our year for overflow! By Holly Watson I released a prophetic Word recently to a Body of Believers that I believe pertains to the Body of Christ as a whole. In Deuteronomy 8:18 scripture says, And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives...
The Power to Gain Wealth and Keys to Redeeming Time Part 1

The Power to Gain Wealth and Keys to Redeeming Time Part 2

Angels are handing out keys to redeem time! By Holly Watson Angels and Keys to Redeem Time A few days ago I woke up out of a dream where an angel handed me a key to redeem time. In my dream, I was purchasing an expensive watch for my son with a premium credit card to...
The Wilderness Has Equipped You-Rise Up and Breakthrough

The Wilderness Has Equipped You-Rise Up and Breakthrough

The Holy Spirit desires to break every obstacle in your life. By Nate Johnston The following word came up in my memories from many years ago today and as I read it I felt the anointing so strongly for deliverance and healing. I don’t say this lightly, – read this word...
Walking in God’s Favor

Walking in God’s Favor

This simple truth might cause you to experience the things you’ve heard in church all your life! By Brian Williams Ever wonder why the most sincere, gifted, even anointed people constantly under achieve in life? God’s love is unconditional, His grace is...
Let God Arise and His Enemies Be Scattered!

Let God Arise and His Enemies Be Scattered!

Declare who He is in the midst of the contrast of what you see. By Kathi Pelton In the past few days, I have been awake throughout the night on a prayer and prophetic assignment. If there has been one theme throughout this time that has stayed with me, it is this...
Don’t Get Hooked By the Enemy

Don’t Get Hooked By the Enemy

The enemy hates to see the people of God advancing and moving forward. By Joe Joe Dawson   I want to share a dream I recently had, along with the insight the Lord gave me, as I believe this to be a warning dream, offering both a challenge and an equipping from...
Rise Up, Forerunner!

Rise Up, Forerunner!

Clothe yourself with strength, for truly the victory is yours. By Angela Stolba Forerunner, rise up! Keep moving forward! You are My braveheart, My fearless warrior. Though you have been tried by the fire, you have become refined like gold; you have come forth pure...
A Resurrection of Dead Dreams

A Resurrection of Dead Dreams

He’s the God who raises the dead and restores lost dreams. By Elaine Tavolacci  This week Christians all around the world are celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus died, went into Hades, disarmed principalities and powers, made a public spectacle...
An End-Times Vision of the Army of God

An End-Times Vision of the Army of God

The greatest thing that the church of Jesus Christ has ever been given lies straight ahead. By Tommy Hicks The following is a stunning vision given to American preacher Tommy Hicks (who was a major figure in the powerful 1954 Argentina Revival). VISION OF THE BODY OF...
New Day Dawning

New Day Dawning

New days are dawning! By Joe Joe Dawson Recently, I had a prophetic dream and it was very simple but very significant. In the dream, I was in a huge field. Morning dew was covering the field. I could tell it was very early morning because the sun was just starting to...
Will We Rise

Will We Rise

The time is now! By Stacey Talbott Easter, the most important celebration for those who practice the Christian faith! As I contemplate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, this is what the Lord has placed on my heart.Will we RISE to all that Jesus gave us on the...
No Permission Needed

No Permission Needed

You have permission. By Jamila Jordan Moody On March 31, at 5 am, I was roused from my sleep b ythe FATHER. I heard the following words burning in my spirit like FIRE: “When you’ve paid the price for something you don’t ask permission to have it: you...