Over 4500 turn up to hear the gospel in Hoima

Over 4500 turn up to hear the gospel in Hoima

Multitudes in Hoima district, western Uganda have heard the gospel, encountered God’s healing power and received Christ as their personal Lord and Savior as a result of a 4-day crusade organised in the area. From 13th-16th June, 2018, preachers from LIFT Evangelistic...
Reaching the hopeless and the lost

Reaching the hopeless and the lost

KEREEN Gregory was an ordained pastor in an established church, but she felt as if she was not reaching the people who needed to hear the word of God from the pulpit. She decided to leave that congregation and take her ministry to the streets. “The four walls weren't...
Uncovering a Filthy Church Lie

Uncovering a Filthy Church Lie

Often in church you hear some pretty bizarre things. For the sake of learning I am going to share one with you. Unfortunately this statement came from supposedly mature believers or even “on fire young people.” Here, a filthy lie is about to be uprooted, so put your...
6 Easy Ways Anybody Can Help the Homeless

6 Easy Ways Anybody Can Help the Homeless

Brrr! Temperatures recently plummeted across the northern United States to record lows due to a polar vortex spilling sub-zero arctic air further south than normal. This can be a life-threatening situation, especially if you’re living on the streets. As of December...