Cindy Jacobs: Don’t Stop Dreaming

Cindy Jacobs: Don’t Stop Dreaming

The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “Many of My people feel they are stuck, like nothing’s going on in their life, nothing’s going right, it’s not going the way they want.”

And the Lord just says to you, “I am working behind the scenes, even as I worked with Abraham and Sarah. I am doing something that is gonna bring fruitfulness to your life, that is going to bring the change you want into your life. You may have had a vision for so long or been in a dreaming process for so long that you feel like nothing is going to change.”

The Lord says, “When you pray and you talk to Me about your dreams, I listen, for I’m a dreaming God. I have dreams for you. I have plans for you. I have ideas for you. I have a vision for you. And you have said to Me, ‘But Lord, doesn’t Your Word say that, without a vision, people perish?'”

But the Lord says, “I never stopped having vision for you. I never stopped having dreams for you. Just like you dream for your family, I dream for you. Do not be discouraged, and do not think it’s going to be too long. And do not think, when you dream dreams, that these dreams will never come to fruition. Don’t stop dreaming because, if you stop dreaming, you will dry up. If you just stay in the same place, you’re going to get stuck.”

So the Lord says, “I’m going to get you unstuck, and I’m going to help you move forward. Go back and take your dreams off the shelf. Go back and take those things that you put into the never-gonna-happen box, and some of you have put that in the trash bin. Don’t do that.”

The Lord says, “Maybe you missed some timing.” There’s some of you that had events come into your life, and these events stymied you or victimized you. But the Lord wants to say to you, “I am the best at getting people unstuck. I am the best at moving things along. Do not fear that I have forgotten you, for I will never forget you and I will never forsake you. In the moments of your deepest loneliness, in moments when you’re crying out to Me and saying, ‘Where are you, God,’ I am there, and I am going to come alongside you like a good father. I’m gonna be there to help you, to assist you, to move you along.”

“My dreams mix with your dreams. I’m dreaming of you today. I have plans for you,” says the Lord, “and I’m going to prosper you.”

God bless you.

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